

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
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Explore the biblical concept of giving, emphasizing that God blesses us not to increase our standard of living, but to enhance our standard of giving.


Good morning, Church Family! Today, we are diving into the rich and profound message of giving as illustrated in the book of Exodus.

This theme is beautifully captured in the words of Randy Alcorn, "God prospers us not to raise our standard of living, but to raise our standard of giving." Let that sink in for a moment.

Now, let's read Exodus 35: 20-29:

"20 Then the whole Israelite community withdrew from Moses’ presence, 21 and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments. 22 All who were willing, men and women alike, came and brought gold jewelry of all kinds: brooches, earrings, rings and ornaments. They all presented their gold as a wave offering to the Lord. 23 Everyone who had blue, purple or scarlet yarn or fine linen, or goat hair, ram skins dyed red or hides of sea cows brought them. 24 Those presenting an offering of silver or bronze brought it as an offering to the Lord, and everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the work brought it. 25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun—blue, purple, or scarlet yarn or fine linen. 26 And all the women who were willing and had the skill spun the goat hair. 27 The leaders brought onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breast piece. 28 They also brought spices and olive oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense. 29 All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do."

The Heart of Giving

The heart of giving is a principle that goes beyond mere transactions or the act of giving something away. It's about the attitude, the motivation, and the spirit behind our giving. It's about the condition of our hearts when we give.

The passage from Exodus: We see that the Israelites gave willingly and joyfully to the work of the Lord. They didn't give out of obligation or compulsion. They gave because their hearts were moved. They gave because they wanted to contribute to the work of the Lord. They gave because they recognized that everything they had was from God, and they were simply returning a portion of it back to Him.

Everything we have is a gift from God: Our talents, our resources, our time, our energy - everything we have is a blessing from God. And when we give, we are simply returning a portion of what God has given us back to Him.

Everything we have is for God: Our blessings are not just for our enjoyment or comfort. They are meant to be used for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

Participating in God's work: We are partnering with Him in His mission. We are contributing to the building of His kingdom. This is a privilege and an honor. And when we understand this, giving becomes a joy and a delight, not a burden or a duty.

About trust: When we give, we are expressing our trust in God. We are declaring that we believe in His provision and His faithfulness. We are affirming that we believe God can meet our needs and provide for us, even when we choose to give away a portion of what we have.

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An act of faith: It's about believing that God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. It's about believing that God can multiply our resources and make them sufficient for our needs and even for the needs of others.

About love: When we give, we are expressing our love for God and our love for others. We are demonstrating our commitment to God and our concern for the well-being of others. We are showing that we value God more than our possessions and that we care more about people than our comfort.

An expression of our love for God and others: It's a way of saying, "I love you, Lord, more than these." It's a way of saying, "I care about you, my neighbor, more than my own comfort."

About gratitude: When we give, we are expressing our gratitude to God for His goodness and His generosity. We are saying, "Thank you, Lord, for all that you have given me." We are acknowledging that we are recipients of God's grace and mercy, and we are responding with gratitude and generosity.

An act of worship: It's a way of praising God for His goodness and His faithfulness. It's a way of declaring that God is worthy of our trust, our love, and our devotion.

About transformation: When we give, we are changed. We become more like Christ, who gave Himself for us. We become more generous, more compassionate, more loving. We become more aware of the needs of others and more willing to meet those needs.

A spiritual discipline: It shapes our character and molds us into the image of Christ. It's a practice that helps us to grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with God.

The Joy of Giving

The joy of giving is not just about the act of giving itself, but the joy and fulfillment that comes from it ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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