Giving God What You've Got
Contributed by J Bernard Taylor on Mar 14, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Romans 12:1 is one of the hardest verses in the Bible.God means for us to give it all to him: your body, your mind, your service, your possssions, all to him.
Giving God All You’ve Got
Romans 12:1
This verse is undoubtedly one of the most difficult verses in the Bible. God means to give it all to him as a reasonable sacrifice: your body, your thoughts, your actions, your service, your word,all you have. Whatever you have and whatever you do,sacrifice it to the Lord. That sounds unreasonable until you realize that God gave all he had. He gave Jesus to us who sacrificed all he had for our salvation.When it comes to God, there are no half measures. How about spending a day of surrendering and giving all you have to the Lord? All your tasks around the house,give it to God. Your work on the job, give it to God. All your acts of pleasure, give it to the Lord. In other words, all you think, say, or do, dedicate it to the Lord
.Maybe you could start out with one day a week of giving everything that day to God.How often do we think of God during the day? How careful are we about what we say each day? Would we be ashamed of what we say if we knew that Jesus was listening? This practice of dedicating what we say and do to God makes us more aware of his presence in our lives. Holy means to set apart.Doing this makes every day a holy day. Everything we do should be set apart as done for the Lord. Would we do or say the things we do if we knew that God was there?.Would what we do or say be acceptable to him? Keep in mind whether what we do or say is a way of saying thanks for the good things God does for us. This verse says that everything we do for God or in his name is reasonable considering all he has done for us.We lay all we have on the altar as a way of saying thank you for what he has done
.One writer has said that it is difficult to give everything to God on the altar because we will get tired and want to get off the altar.But an old hymn says, “Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the Spirit control? You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul.” Give God all you’ve got and watch for your blessings.