Give Till It Feels Good
Contributed by John Mcmillan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
I’m sure you’ve all heard the old saying "GIVE TILL IT HURTS", well this old saying, that you and I have heard all our life’s goes againts everything God stands for.
I have yet to run across one story in the bible or of anyone I’ve ever met that got hurt because of giving, I can’t think of a single soul God has let get hurt. I’m sure at certain times in your life, thinks may have looked a little stressed, but God always gives back more than what was given,and is always on time.
Now just like everything there is a right way and a wrong way to give. You might be thinking to yourself,"THERE ONLY ONE WAY YOU CAN GIVE,AND AS LONG AS I’M GIVING I’M DOING WHAT I’M SUPPOSED TO DO" well you’d be wrong.
Let’s look at (2COR.9:6-13),the story of the cheerful giver.
v6(but this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountlfully will also reap bountlfully)If you give little,then little is what your going to get back. Let me put it this way:Back in the day you had to feed your family of the working of the land,and if you only went out and just put out a handful of seed then you and your family wouldn’t be eating much. Just like a farmer you get what ever you put out.
v7 (So let each one give as he purposes in his heart,not grudginglynor of necessity;for God loves a cheerful giver.)God isn’t going to force you to give anything. He wants us to follow our hearts when giving,and if it’s going to hunt your feeling or get you upset,keep it. God doesn’twant us to feel wa have to give Him anything. Remember, He doesn’t need anything we’ve got. He wants us to be glad to give,He wants the act of giving to bring joy to our hearts.
v8-9(AndGod is able to make all grace aboundtoward you,that you,always having all sufficiency in all things,may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: "HE HAS DISPERSED ABROAD, HE HAS GIVEN TO THE POOR; HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ENDURES FOREVER"
God is trying to put it all on you, He’s letting us know that we’re not going to do without, thatHis grace and righteousness will come to us, and we should be happy to give, to receive His grace in all the parts of our live’s.
v10(Now may He who supplies seeds to the sower, and bread for food, sopply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,)
Everything we have comes from God already, and while we may not be farmers who plow the fields and plant the seeds, we have jobs and plow in the world daily.
Two very important words in this verse,(multiply and increase), not only is He going to give us back what we given, but He’s going to give it back shaken and pressed down and return more than what was given. He does this so we can give more and increase the righteousness in our own live’s.
V11(while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which cause thanksgiving truogh us to God )
The simple act of giving is going to surround you and your whole life with everytihng in generosity, He’s going to give to you in abundance.
Let me go ahead and wrap this up. Why does God want you to be a cheerful giver, and why doesn’t He mind giving back so much?
v12(For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many tanksgiving to God.)
Your not only helping the needy, your helping them to learn to give thanks to the one who made it possible, and increasing thier faith in God.
v13(while, through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men.)
By being a cheerful giver, and giving whats in your heart, you accomplish three things:
1) You give validity to the church as a whole...
2)Your showing your faith in Jesus Christ, and your belief in His teachings...
3) Your teaching others to glorify God through the act of giving, and increasing the faith of the beleiver, by sharing the joy and blessings of God...
So whether it is time, money or whatever you give, be glad about what your doing, because just as it says in Eph.6:8( all the good you do, will be given back to you...)