Give Thanks
Contributed by Ed Pruitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Give Thanks for all that the Lord has done
Give Thanks
Sunday July 09, 2000 A.M.
Luke 17:11-19
11 As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria.
12 As he entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance,
13 crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
14 He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, their leprosy disappeared.
15 One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God, I’m healed!”
16 He fell face down on the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done. This man was a Samaritan.
17 Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?
18 Does only this foreigner return to give glory to God?”
19 And Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has made you well.”
You are blessed today with the privilege of hearing the Gospel and have much to be thankful for.
You that are Christians today have much to be thankful for.
I believe that as Christians we ought to be the most thankful people on the face of the earth.
Think a minute. You have been blessed beyond measure.
Even if you are not saved this morning you should be giving thanks.
Just look at what the Lord has done!
You are alive! You are here!
He has allowed you to live yet another Sunday hoping that you will give your heart to Him!
I think all of us here have pretty good health, and the list goes on and on.
And if you are a Born again Child of God you are saved from the torments of hell.
You are delivered from the punishment of sin.
What more has God done for you?
What is He doing right now in your life?
What thanks are you giving to Him?
In our text Jesus healed ten lepers and only one came back to thank Him.
Boy does that one ever hit home! It has been 2000 years and people still haven’t changed!
You can do and do and do and it never seems to be enough for some people.
You do for them, you give to them and if you are lucky maybe one out of ten will come to you and say thank you!
Surely this was a disappointment to our Lord as He asked, where are the nine?
Where are the nine?
Are they back with there friends?
Are they back in the world and the worldly ways?
Have they totally forgotten what they just went through?
It seems like such a simple thing to do.
Where are the nine?
Are they like so many people today, cry and whine to Jesus for help through some thing that has happened in their lives?
Then as soon as it is taken care of and everything seems to be all right off they go again.
Then what if they don’t think that God did a good enough job for them what do they do next?
Complain and turn against God!
When will people ever learn?
This is not a Burger King world, you can’t have it your way all of the time.
There comes a time that you have to do it God’s way!
If you only give half way to God why do you expect Him to give you 100%?
It’s time to wake up!
People today are not a bit different in our time?
People today might be even worse than they were in the time that Jesus walked the earth.
I can tell you for sure that people haven’t changed!
A few Sunday’s ago we had a new person come to church and what was the first thing that came out of there mouth?
Can you give me a little money, I’ve had hard times come upon me.
So I knew better than to give a person money before church started so I told them that I would help them after church and I did.
Do you know what the response was?
Is that the best that you can do!
So you can see that people haven’t changed and by the way that is only one story I could spend the rest of the day telling you stories about people that never say thank you, just a simple thank you.
Time and time again you are blessed with the goodness of God Are you taking the time to show Him your appreciation?
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving.
Psalm 100:1-5
1 A psalm of thanksgiving.
Shout with joy to the LORD, O earth!
2 Worship the LORD with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
3 Acknowledge that the LORD is God!