
Summary: The gifts of the Holy Spirit is given to Christians which is the body of Christ




LESSON 5: Teaching on Spiritual Gifts 1

TEXT: 1Corinthians 12:1, Romans 12:5-8


When Apostle Paul wrote about spiritual gift, he was careful to state that he does not want Christians to be ignorant concerning this. In other words, a Christian should not be informed, unaware, misinformed nor misunderstand this subject because lack of proper knowledge leads to destruction – Hosea 4:6. There are different kinds of gifts, service and working but the same Spirit, Lord and God. These spiritual gifts are divine, supernatural, and grace-gifts.


1. Administration – It is the divine ability to organize multiple tasks and groups of people to accomplish these tasks. It is also the ability to understand clearly the goals of units of the church and to devise and carryout effective plans for their accomplishment – 1corinthians 12:28, Acts 6:1-7, Luke 14:28-30

2. Leadership – It is the divine ability to influence people at different levels, directing and focusing them on ideas and visions. It is also the ability to communicate goals, ideas and vision in a unique manner that people voluntarily work in unity and zeal

3. Helps – Is the ability to often see the need before others do and work in supportive role to accomplish tasks. Investing their gifts /talents in the life and ministry of other members 1corinthians 12:28, Romans 16:1-2, Acts 9:36, Mark 15:40-41

4. Mercy – Is the ability to feel empathy and care for those who are hurting. Reflecting Christ’s love and alleviate suffering to both Christians and non-Christians. Romans 12:8, Mark 9:41, 1thesselonians 5:14, Matthew 9:35-36.

5. Hospitality – Is the ability to create warm, welcoming environment for others probably food and lodging etc.

6. Giving – Is the ability that God gives to members of the church to contribute their material resources to the work of the Lord with liberality and cheerfulness. Romans 12:8, 2corinthians 8:1-7, 9:2-7, Mark 12:41-44

7. Exhortation – Is the ability to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to people to help and heal them, especially through the word of God. Romans 12:8, 1timothy 4:13, Hebrew 10:24-25, Acts 14:22.

8. Teaching – Is the ability to study and learn from the scripture to bring understanding and depth to other Christians, thus, enabling them to increase the effectiveness of their gifts. 1corinthians 12:28, Acts 18:24-28, Acts 20:20-21, Ephesians 4:11-14

9. Revelation – Is the spiritual ability for the disclosure of special knowledge and information through dreams, studying God’s word, Prayers and visions. 1corinthians 14:26

10. Psalms/Songs Ministrations – 1corinthians 14:26


Gifts are mainly for the needy to receive and enjoy. Gifts are inspired and given by God to Christians. They are supernatural abilities. Talents are given and seen in all men. Talents affect and operate mainly on the natural level(s). Nevertheless, gifts may be given or built on a natural foundation of which a person already has. Jeremiah 1:6, Galatians 1:15. For instance, a natural born teacher given the spiritual gift of teaching.

Summary – “Let all things be done decently and in order” 1corinthians 14:40.

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