
Summary: God uses hardships to get our attention.

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I am sure you remember the story of the farmer with the exceptional mule. The mule was a hard worker and could do things that amazed other farmers. One day the farmer wanted to show off his mule to his friends. They watched in shock as the farmer hit the mule between the eyes with a 2 x 4 stud. The farmer looked at his friends and said, “First, you have to get his attention.”

Psalm 32:9 (NKJV) reminds us, “Do not be like the horse or like the mule.” Warren Wiersbe reminded us that the horse runs ahead of God, and the mule stubbornly resists Him. We are a lot like a mule insisting on our way, and God is using the discomfort of our times to get our attention. Let’s start with Psalm 78:34 (NKJV):

When He slew them, then they sought Him;

And they returned and sought earnestly for God.

This Psalm of Asaph recounts much of the history of Israel and their rejection of God. God, in turn, punished or disciplined the nation, but they ignored Him and rebelled. God raised the penalty level and killed the “best and the brightest” to capture their attention.

I have told you that I do not listen to the mainstream media any longer but research alternative news. One of the things I have heard for weeks is why we have had to endure the results of the stolen 2020 election. The purpose is to get our attention. If Trump had engaged the military to shut down the coup, no one would have paid attention to the reality of the Deep State running our country. We now have a mentally-challenged older man in the White House who makes decisions that lead Americans into despair. Americans are now waking up to the realities of what the usurper and his party are doing. That would not have happened if Trump had won the election or if he, by rights, had taken the presidency.

I understood there are always problems when people are involved in anything; however, we are dealing with a "swamp" and swamp creatures. I had not realized the depth of corruption in our government.

One thing leads to another as we watch what transpires in our Capitol. Voter fraud led to the usurper taking the presidency. The usurper has intentionally been making decisions that are detrimental to America. Now we see the truth that he is the head of a family crime syndicate and has illegally associated with China and Ukraine in the process. Unlike most sleeping Americans who believe the government has our best interests in mind, you are aware of the reality of corruption.

I met rocket scientists when I lived in Huntsville, Alabama, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that our government does not act in our best interests. This criticism is bipartisan, and in essence, we have a uni-party running the country, which does not uphold our Founders' values.

The Covid "scam or plan-demic" that released the manufactured virus worldwide has killed thousands. The Covid shots have killed and injured thousands in growing numbers. Just like Israel, America will wake up until significant deaths and destruction occur. Then perhaps we will give our attention to God and seek His intervention. Someone has said, "If you don't see the light, you will feel the heat." That is true regarding Hell and our current circumstances.

We live in alarming times as we lose our liberties and rights with each passing day. Farmers in Europe and India have awakened to a new boiling point and are pushing back against tyranny, as Sri Lanka has overthrown its government. What will it take for America?

I may have told you that when I preached in Abilene many years ago now, my congregation was dying. I asked one of my teachers how the church could change, and I will never forget his response. He said, "We don't usually change unless we learn enough or until we hurt enough." He was a wise man. My congregation refused to learn and did not hurt enough; it is no longer in business.

We see the need to make changes when our health declines or our families fall apart. The health and structures of America are decaying right before us, and yet most do not see it. Instead, we ignore life's circumstances because they have not happened to us personally.

Someone has said that an intelligent man learns from his mistakes while a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. We read the Bible to become wise and learn from the mistakes of others. We don't have to wait for tragedy to occur for us to act, and we can see what will happen if we don't take action.

The generation of Pastors that trained our Founders and Framers wisely learned from the scriptures and personal experience regarding the tyranny of the King of England. Our Founders and Framers tried to reason with the king to no avail. They finally took action and dissolved their relationship with the crown through the Declaration of Independence. Just like Israel, God got their attention through hardship.

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