
Summary: No matter what you face if you allow God’s Spirit to work within you, it will ultimately come out all right--God wants to share his divine grace with everyone

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One thing I have learned and still am learning is this: An uplifting faith in God will take care of you no matter what you face or what a loved one faces.

When you don’t think you have any strength left, if you put your prayers to work for you, if you allow God’s Spirit to work within you, it will come out all right--God shares divine grace with everyone because, as Paul proclaims in the New Testament Scriptures:

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 NLT

In the Bible it says something that is meant for you directly. In Acts 1:8 it says, "You will receive power."

If you are ever in the hospital so ill, that you think that of yourself you have no power or strength, If you ever feel drained and you feel as if you cannot go on any longer, as you turn to God and God’s Spirit empowers you, you will receive power. You will not be on your own any more. You will not be depleted, drained, or worn-out any more. You will begin to experience ever-expanding, wonderful power.

Habakkuk 2:4 it says, "The righteous live by their faith." You have heard many times that being righteous is important to a Christian life. What is being righteous? Being righteous is realizing that God gives you the power. In the moment when you’re up a tree, or when you’re in the hospital bed, or when you have a loved one in a hospital bed close to death, it is time to get a faith lift, it is time to ask God’s spirit to give you the power to face whatever stares you in the face.

2 Thessalonians 3:3-4 says, The Lord is faithful. He will strengthen you and guard you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you." So do I. I don’t care what you are facing or how big your mountain is. If you are with God, and God is working inside of you, there is nothing that can stand up to that power.

Ephesians 2:5: Even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved. Grace is something that is not of human power. It is something that is given to you. It is Divine power working through you, lifting you up, and saving you from your troubles.

Verses 6 and 8 of Ephesians 2 continues on: And raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus….For by grace you have been saved through [your] faith.

I want to tell you today: through the Spirit of God you can do mighty works by your faith.

An uplifting faith is developed on the assumption that not only can we handle problems, but that problems are actually good for us--tough as they may be. Problems help us to grow strong if we have positive faith that with God we can overcome anything.

This morning if you are facing stress, no matter what you face, no matter what kind of storm you may be encountering--even if you are up the creek without a paddle--if you believe, and pray for your desire (you have action), according to your faith, you will be set free.

No matter how terrible a situation may seem to you, with the help of God’s power who will lift your faith, you are able to face it and overcome it God is able to bring out the good in any terrible thing.

Anne Lamott’s most recent book, written as part of the milestone of reaching age 50, contains a series of essays called “Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith.” “But I prefer to focus on how faith helps heal wounds, personally and politically. God doesn’t cause things like 9/11 or the tsunami to happen, but I think our response to these events showed us how tenderhearted people can be.”

Whatever the topic in the book, including a discussion of her relationship with God, Lamott observes: “The most important thing is to keep your faith and your sense of humor.”

A Chinese proverb says: A man may not be able to prevent birds from flying over his head, but he has a right to determine whether they shall make nest in his hair.

If you or any one of your loved ones are sick, God will make you whole again. If you are depressed or down, God will lift you up. No human limitation—past, present or future--can stop the power of God.

Remember that old song by Elvis Presley?

Lordy only believe, only believe

All things are possible

If you’ll only believe

My Lordy, only believe, yes only believe

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