Gethsemane Series
Contributed by Ben Thomas on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What took place at Gethsemane - A Believer has some Gethsemane in life and we need to overcome like Jesus did.
A place called Gethsemane.
the name of a place at the foot of the Mount of Olives.
Gethsemane = “an oil press”
Matthew 26:36-38
36 Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and He told His disciples, Sit down here while I go over yonder and pray.
37 And taking with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed.
38 Then He said to them, My soul is very sad and deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow. Stay here and keep awake and keep watch with Me.
1. Three places of life – A. Wilderness – where the personal temptation of life, where you face your enemy face to face and challenge your identity.
2. B. Garden – where your will is challenged, your will and God’s will coming together in unity. Emotional battle , you will not se your enemy
3. Cross – where your physical battle with the enemy of your life.
1. It is a place of prayer, Jesus prayed, prayed again, and he prayed aging the same thing.
The Posture Reported – Fell face down
Humble posture
Hurting posture
The Person Addressed-
Right Person
Related Person
The words repeated
2. It is a place of loneliness.
It is place you have a smile but they do not know what is really happening. You are doing the ministry, you are leading the song, you are encouraging the people, people see as you re doing great but inside of you there is a loneliness, emptiness and ……
He left the disciples
He expect the “three” to be with him
Place where even the ‘three’ got tied of you.
It is the place you realize that this battle is not their battle, it is your battle,
No one to identify –feel like no one understand about your issues but me….
2 a. this in not “us” – it is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Alpha and Omega. He know it all, he knows the “process” - the in between time - But still…..
3. It is the place your “will” die.
All the time the heaven opened, but now what happened.
Something God want from your life, but I do not want and I cannot comprehend…
I am speaking from a human way; I am thinking from a finite way, I am thinking form the limited knowledge of mine. But Lord you have time; I do not have the time…
It is stressful – and prayed to God and still no answer.
4. Garden is supposed to be beautiful. It is beautiful form outside,
Ugly problem in a beautiful place.
A place of blessing – but you have a problem.
5. It is place you face your betrayer.
6. It is the place your see the ministry of the angels.
God will not abandon you, God will not forge you, and He will send His angels to take care of you.
The timing of the appearance. The angel appeared Luke 22:43) before the Scripture says the bloody sweat occurred Luke 22:44.
The text of the appearance. Some in the early church had trouble with this appearance
The theology in the appearance. "There appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him" (Luke 22:43).
7. Process of oil. Olive oil it is nothing to you and me. You just take it and use it to anoint the people.
A. Cost oil is different to different people. It is a certain amount for some people but if you ask the oil it will take you a different story.
B. It was the place you are pressed
C. It was the place you are crushed.
D. It was the place your life smashed.
His vain broke because of the emotional pain, not because of any physical attack, but because of the emotional pain,
Drops of blood on the ground.
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