
Summary: Getting yourself in order to worship The Lord Jesus Christ.

Mark 3:25

Titus 1:5

Get your House in Order

Let’s Talk about Praise and Worship and Glorifying God”

There are 3 things about worship that you need to keep in mind.

· Point 1 The truth about Worship

John 4:24

1. There is no exclusive style of worship. The worship style you feel comfortable with says far more about your cultural background and personal preference then it does your theology. True worship employs your right brain and your left brain. It engages emotions and intellect, heart and mind. We see Jesus gave only 2 requirements for true worship:

A. In Spirit

B. In Truth

2. You don’t need a building to worship God. Now there’s nothing wrong with buildings, unless you glorify them instead of God. Note: “The Lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples built by man hands” (Acts 17:24). No building, or the lack of one, should ever be allowed to control, limit or distract you from worshipping God. Jesus said, where two or three come together in my name there am I with them ( Mt 18:20 NIV)

3. Worship is a powerful witness to others. More people are won to Christ by feeling God’s presence then by all our theological arguments combined. Few people, if any, are converted to Christ on purely intellectual grounds. No, it’s a sense of God’s presence that melts hearts, exposes and tears down mental barriers. In genuine worship God’s presence is felt, God’s pardon is offered, God’s purpose are revealed, and God’s power is displayed. When the spiritually hungry come to Church and see us relate to God in heart-felt praise, it creates in them a desire to know Him too!

· Point 2 Your Body

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Paul talking to the Corinth Church

· Point 3 The Church

1. Why were you put in the temple? 2 Peter 1:12-13 Isaiah 53:5-7

2. What should happen in the church? Luke 19:45-46

3. What the Church should be like? Ephesians 5:27


Once you have got your house in order, get ready for a change in your life.

The Lord said:

“Behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with me, to give you and everyone according to my will. (Revelation 22:12)

· Just remember: Its time to get you house in order.

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