
Get Ready, Jesus is Returning!

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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Jesus is returning soon. It's crucial to keep His Word, share it, live it, and protect it in its original form. This way, we will be prepared for His return.

Title: Jesus is Coming Soon, So Keep His Word


Jesus is coming soon, and it is important for us to understand what He meant when He said, "I am coming soon." Although our concept of "soon" may differ from God's, we can be certain that His return is imminent. In Revelation 22, we find insights into the significance of His statement. Let us explore these verses to better prepare ourselves for His coming.

Jesus is Coming Quickly:

While it may seem like Jesus has delayed His coming, from God's perspective, it has only been a short time. The Lord's timing is different from ours, as one day for Him is like a thousand years. He patiently waits for everyone to have a chance to repent before His return. However, we can see that the stage is set for the events described in the book of Revelation. Israel has been reestablished as a nation, the Roman Empire is rising again through the European Union, and the Babylonian Empire is making a comeback in Iraq. These signs indicate that Jesus is coming very soon.

The Suddenness of His Coming:

When Jesus returns, it will be sudden and unexpected. Just as a man who procrastinates his work until the last minute when he hears his mother's car approaching, we won't have time to scramble back to the work God has called us to do. We must be ready and actively engaged in His work before He comes.

Keep His Word:

Jesus wants us to keep His Word by observing and preserving it. We should guard it just as prison guards watch over their prisoners or protectors watch over those in their care. Keeping God's Word means obeying it and practicing it in our lives. We should not keep it to ourselves but proclaim it to others, spreading the message of salvation and the impending return of Jesus.

Practice His Word:

When Jesus comes, He will bring rewards based on our works. Those who have done good will receive great rewards, while those who have done evil will face consequences. We must practice God's Word and live according to His teachings, knowing that our actions will be accounted for when He returns.

Preserve His Word:

We must not change or alter God's Word in any way. Adding or subtracting from it leads to spiritual ruin. The Bible is complete and perfect as it is, and we must preserve its integrity. We may not always like what it says, but we must accept and follow its teachings without compromise.


Jesus is coming soon, and we must be prepared. We should keep His Word by observing, practicing, and preserving it. We must proclaim His Word to others, living out its teachings in our lives. Let us not delay in accepting Jesus as our Savior and surrendering our lives to Him. When He returns, we want to be found faithful and ready. So, let us eagerly await His coming and diligently fulfill His purpose for our lives.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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