Get Out Of The Boat!
Contributed by David Benge on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: The Sea of Galilee is 13 miles long and 7 miles wide.
The Sea of Galilee is 13 miles long and 7 miles wide. 2/3 of the ministry of Jesus was here. Jesus feed the 5,000 near this sea, He cast out demons at this sea, He healed the sick by this sea. The Sea Of Galilee plays a major role in Biblical History.
*Verse By Verse*
(v. 22)
A.) Jesus told and commanded His disiples to get into the ship and go out into the sea. Jesus knew they were going into a storm. Jesus also knows that only in a storm will your faith grow.
B.) Jesus told them to go before Him while he sent away the multides from the feeding of the 5,000.
C.) The disiples arrived saftley but then a huge storm started to brew and get rough.
D.) Christians, don't be scared that the storm is so big because the God who sent you into it is bigger.
(v. 23)
A.) When Jesus sent everyone away, He went up into the mountains to pray.
B.) Jesus was sucessful in his ministry not because he was the son of God but because of his Prayer life. He was flesh just like you and I.
C.) Christian, you want to know what to do? PRAY
D.) Until you pray God can do nothing. The average American spends 6 hrs. a day doing useless things. Where is the prayer time???
E.) Christian, if we are going to bet the devil we must pray!!!
(v. 24)
A.) The disiples got out into the sea and then the storm came up and everything was getting awful.
B.) Jesus did not come to their rescue at the beginning. he gave them time to get strong in their faith.
C.) Jesus left them out in the storm a total of 9 hrs. while he was praying.
(v. 25)
A.) In the fourth watch ( about 3 in the morning) here Jesus comes. Unexpectedly.The bible says: "An hour that you think not he will appear"
B.) The thing that's about to destroy you will save you.
(v. 26)
A.) So the disiples looked out and saw something coming and they thought it was a ghost. And the bible says they cried with fear.
B.) They saw Jesus on the shore, on the water they saw him as a supernatural Jesus, something that was not real (a ghost.)
C.) It's ok to be a small baby lying in a manger. Until you see him coming on the water than you think He is not real. Until you know the supernatural Jesus you don't know the real Jesus. Not a ghost but real.
(v. 27)
A.) Jesus could see they was in fear so he gave them courage, "be of cood cheer! It is I, be not afraid."
(V. 28)
A.) Peter wanted to know if he could do the same as his master does, YES. Peter was like Jesus, flesh, a human.
B.) Can the followers of Jesus do the same as he done? YES, we pray for the sick, so did Jesus. We can do the same as long as we do not take out eyes off Jesus.
(v. 29)
A.) Jesus said "come" so Peter got out of the boat and walked to him.
B.) - Step out of your comfort zone Christian and walk to Jesus.
- Live life without limit.
- If you want to experience Jesus, get out of the boat.
C.) Don't be afraid. The devil cannot touch you! GET OUT OF THE BOAT.
(v. 30 and 31)
A.) If your in a storm and you look at Jesus you have nothing to worry about! But if you look at the problem "FEAR" steps in and like Peter you began to sink.
B.) No problem or storm will defeat you if you keep your eyes on Jesus.
C.) Don't give up when you fall look up to Jesus, he is always there!
(V. 32)
A.) Then Jesus commanded the storm to stop.
B.) The storm your going through will be over soon, don't be afraid.
C.) Look at Jesus coming.
D.) We are in a storm not but one great day, Jesus will calm the final storm.
My prayer is that you will use this sermon to simply spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would love for you to e-mail me at dustin1@sun-spot.com I am 17 years old and God is moving me to do great things in the future. I have been to Haiti 3 times preaching to thousands and I have also just recently got back from a 10 day trip in Israel. May God Bless you ALL!