
Summary: It really doesn’t matter how much power you have in your engine, if you never put it in gear it’s wasted energy.

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How long halt ye (between) two opinions?

Between = in the middle (neutral)

There is no power in Neutral

Isa 28:6 For strength to them that turn the battle to the gate

Jos 10:25 for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.

A church in park or neutral is as useless and powerless as a car without an engine.

You cannot be for without being against

Worship in spirit and truth Selfish living, spiritual idolatry

Humility and service Pride and carelessness

Holiness Impurity and corruption

The power of God, Sickness, poverty, disease, oppression

Faithfulness, Commitment Unfaithfulness, Spiritual Adultery

Satan accomplishes his greatest work when the church falls into the sleep of indifference.

It’s not the devil who defeats the church, it’s the slumber of indifference, indecision, neutrality.

This Indifference is what produces Impotency = Powerlessness

Power follows Passion

Passion: If there is true passion there is commitment, there is discipline, there is patience, there is sacrifice.

The greatest display of passion ever seen is the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

In the world: People will go anywhere and do anything for something that they are passionate about.

They will go through hardships, suffer criticism, and opposition, They will sacrifice and put themselves through rigorous difficult training, but it doesn’t matter because they are passionate about it.

There are 4 things that Elijah took with him up to Mt Carmel and I believe that they are the ingredients for Passion and power

1. Revelation: That means you have to see something other people don’t see, you have to have the ability to see the end before you begin,

You see before Elijah ever took one step up that mountain he could already envision Israel back under the government of God, he could see that false religious order being overthrown.

He could see Baals altars torn down, and the altar of the Lord standing in it’s place,

He could see the prophets of Baal slain by the sword.

He could see Israel worshipping the one and only True and living God.

David had Revelation: He could see Goliath lying headless on the ground before he ever put that rock in his sling:

How do we know he had revelation (because he prophesied his revelation- This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand and I will smite thee and take thine head from thee).

Somebody here today needs to get a revelation of the will and plan of God for your life, You need to see yourself as God sees you, You need to lift your eyes above present circumstances and get a vision of divine destiny.

You want passion: Ask God to show you your purpose, Your destiny

Ask him for a personal revelation.

See yourself healed

See yourself as that anointed Man of God, preaching the gospel and setting the captives free.

See your children saved filled with the Holy Ghost on fire for God

See yourself walking in wisdom, joy, and peace and divine favor.

2. Elijah had an expectation:

He expected the fire to fall, He expected God to show up, He expected Gods power to be manifested

Today God wants to raise your level of expectation,

He wants you to expect better in life,

Expect more from yourself

He wants you to expect more from him

You see Expectation is the breeding ground for Manifestation.

You have to believe to see

Jesus told Mary and Martha (did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God).

Now lets take it to the next level

3. Elijah had a desperation:

His life depended upon God answering by fire

If fire did not fall Elijah would die.

We need to come to God with this same sense of desperation, God I’m desperate for you, I can’t do it myself.

Without you I’m lost, If you don’t touch me I’ll die.

It was desperation that brought the woman with the issue of blood to Jesus.

It was desperation that caused the leper naaman to come to the prophet of God and dip himself seven times in a mud puddle called Jordan.

It was desperation that caused a respected religious leader of the community to give up his reputation and religious pride to come to Jesus because his daughter had died.

When you get desperate you don’t care what other people say or think or do, all that matters is: I have got to get to Jesus, and I have got to touch him for myself.

4. Elijah had a resignation:

That means that Elijah had already predetermined in his heart and mind that he was going to through with this challenge, even if he had to die on that mountain.

We have a lot of people that want to serve God as long as it’s convenient for them.

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Steve Shepherd

commented on Oct 22, 2009

Terry, Your "Get in Gear" sermon is excellent. God, help us all to get in gear for Him! The Lord be praised. God bless you. Steve Shepherd, Jonesboro Christian Church

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