
Summary: This is the 158th sermon in the series Action". This is the 4th sermon from Colossians.

Series: Action [#158]


Colossians 1:24-2:5


I was sitting in a School Administrative meeting, and someone talked about the legacy of the Superintendent. What is your legacy? Your legacy is the total of your life experiences, beliefs, values, and traditions passed down from generation to generation. It's what future generations will remember you by.

We all leave imprints of our presence everywhere we go. People, like Billy Graham, Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, George Washington, etc... All of these people have left imprints of their lives; some good and some bad. Most of us will never be remembered in the history books or by the masses; but you do leave impressions on those people that you went to School or Church with, those you used to work with, etc… Paul wanted to leave an imprint that brought glory to the name of Jesus.

Colossians 1:24-2:5

When you are no longer on this Earth, what will be other’s reactions?

Will people…

1. Miss you?

It has often been said that sometimes you don’t know what you have until it is gone. Some Christians are this way. They are faithful to do what God has called them to do. Paul gives us some characteristics of this type of person and when they leave, they are missed.

A missed Christian…

* Serves others.

This person always thinks of others 1st. They love others with the love of Christ and give their lives as servants so that the Kingdom of God will be furthered.

A missed Christian…

* Serves God.

They are obedient to God and strive to please God. The pleasures of the world do not slow them down. They get their direction from God. They place God at the top.

A missed Christian…

* Serves through God’s power.

The only source of power you will ever find that will work in all situations is God’s power. This person does not seek man’s approval but God’s direction and this will result in mighty things happening. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

This person takes Jesus seriously when He said, ”If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This type of Christian touches our lives in ways that they probably never realize. These are the people that draw the lost to Jesus Christ. They encourage the saints to keep pushing on. They pick up the wounded and guide them to recovery. At this time, I would like to stop and thank God for these people. As we pray, thank God for those people who left an imprint of Christ in your life.

Will people…

2. Be glad that you are finally gone?

Unfortunately, we don’t hear much about those people who have been a blessing to us; but we do hear often about those who seem to be a curse. There are some people in our lives that when they leave, we breathe a sigh of relief. This type of person also has an impact upon our lives; but it’s not a positive 1. These people push “lost” people away from Jesus. They discourage the saints and cause them to want to quit. They kick the wounded and hold them down. At this time, I would like to stop and ask God to be with these people that have hurt you and that they would not hinder you from serving God or you hinder them.

Will people…

3. Forget you?

There are those who impact our lives positively and negatively; and then there are those who have no impact at all. This type of person never has time to form relationships outside of their “little circle”. They are always on the outside looking in. There is not much to say about this type of person. It is almost like they never existed. At this time, I would like to stop and ask God to convict and burden these people to become a part of what He is doing.


What category do you fall into? Each of our goals should be to leave imprints that will leave imprints of Christ upon other’s lives. If you are doing this, keep doing it. If not, why not change?

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