
Summary: This is the 157th sermon in the series Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Colossians.

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Series: Action [#157]


Colossians 1:13-23


We live in a world where material things seem to matter a lot; but I believe that many people are not as concerned about how many things they have as they are about how important they are. There is a reason that our culture enjoys all of these reality shows; and shows of the rich and famous. This is not a new problem. Even the Disciples struggled with wanting to be the greatest. James and John’s mother asked Jesus to allow 1 of her sons to sit on His right and 1 on His left in Heaven. When the other 10 heard this, they were angry. Paul settled the dispute of who is the greatest.

Colossians 1:13-14

Jesus is the greatest because…

1. He rescued us.

I am afraid that in our Churches we no longer believe practically that Jesus is the Savior of the World. We believe that Jesus is a means to an end. We believe that Jesus is there to make us better husbands and better fathers. We believe that Jesus is there to make us better wives and better mothers. We believe that Jesus is there to make us better businessmen. We believe that Jesus is there to make us more respected in our community. We believe that Jesus is there for many things. We have forgotten that Jesus’ prime reason for coming to this Earth was to seek and save that which was lost.

I love that Paul starts here by showing the guilt of man. We don’t like that. We don’t like to be shown that we are sinners. Paul starts with guilt. “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness.” That’s where we were, in darkness. “And brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves”. That’s where we were not. “In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” We had to be redeemed and forgiven from our sins. That had to happen because we are guilty before God.

There are some people who believe that man is basically good. Those people don’t have kids. My 1st kid taught me that we are all sinners. My 2nd kid taught me that some people are bigger sinners than others. My 3rd kid just confirmed all of the above. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness.” That word “rescued” means “to come in and take out by force”.

There is an illustration of salvation that used to be 1 of my favorites until God, through a sermon, showed me it doesn’t work. It is the illustration of the life raft. It is like man is drowning and we throw him a life preserver and man has to reach up and grab the life preserver and then he is pulled in. You know the only problem with that? According to Ephesians 2, I was dead in my sins. Dead men don’t grab life preservers. I did not help God save me. I was lost and dead in my sins. I was guilty before a holy God, a holy and just God who must punish sin. God has to deal with sin. How does He do that? The wages of sin is death. When we die in our sins, we die eternally separated from God. We are in terrible shape and until we realize that, we do not understand the significance of Christ as Savior of the world. Jesus did not come to make me better; He came to transform my life. People don’t need to be better dressed up sinners.

It’s like boys that start playing ball in school. These boys will come after school and go to practice and after they go to practice, these sweaty and nasty boys will take off their uniform and put back on their street clothes. Some of them even have the audacity to put on deodorant and cologne. They don’t understand that deodorant and cologne have prerequisites- You need to bathe 1st. Our philosophy in our Churches has become 1 of socialization. We need to learn how to become better people. We need to learn how to be better organizers. God does not want to make us better; He wants to make us new. We do not understand that Jesus is Savior until we understand the guilt of man. All men are guilty before God and all men need salvation.

Colossians 1:15-18

Jesus is the greatest because…

2. He alone is worthy.

We can’t understand the significance of our sin until we look at it compared to the glory of Jesus Christ. We sometimes act like Jesus died on the cross because He had nothing better to do. “He is the image of the invisible God”. Jesus is the revealer of God. God came to Earth and showed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is not like God. He is not close to God. He is not almost God. Jesus is God. He was the us in the, “Let us make man”. He was the us in “Who will go for us”. He is Almighty God. Not only is Jesus the revealer of God; He is, “the firstborn over all creation”. This does not mean that He was the 1st thing created. The word “firstborn” means preeminent. This means that Jesus was here when it all happened. He is the Creator of all things.

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