
Summary: This is the 159th sermon in the series Action". This is the 5th sermon from Colossians.

Series: Action [#159]


Colossians 2:6-15


I had something happen at work that has made me think about my life. I work all day at the Schools, I come home and work on Church things until bedtime, and I go to sleep and do the same thing the next day. I realized all of a sudden that doing all of these things are not enough to make you happy or fulfilled. If you want a full life, what do you have to do?

Colossians 2:6-7

In order to have a full life…

1. Continue to live your life in Jesus.

From the moment you are saved, you should strive to live your life in Jesus. Each day should be about Jesus.

You continue by…

* Being rooted and built up in Christ.

I planted a garden this year and 1 of the plants I planted was sunflowers. I planted the seeds and 10 days later, I had to thin them down. I decided to transplant some of those sunflowers and many people told me that it would not work. I am in the process of proving them wrong; but the reason that it does not usually work is because the root is not firm in the ground. Christians, your life needs to have a solid root in Jesus so that you will be built stronger each day.

You continue by…

* Being strengthened in the faith.

Your faith is strengthened by going through things. Your faith is being tested day by day.

You continue by…

* Overflowing with thankfulness.

Are you thankful? Tell it to God.

Colossians 2:8-12

In order to have a full life…

2. Do not be tricked.

The Christians in the Colossian Church were dealing with the same things that we deal with today. The enemy is constantly sneaking people with ½ truths into the Church. They take some Bible, some of the World’s views, some popular views; and they mix them all together. The devil uses people who can convince people about these new theologies.

The solution is found in Jesus. Jesus is God- God in bodily form. Jesus is the head over all things. Jesus fulfilled God’s plan of salvation when He arose from the dead.

Colossians 2:13-15

In order to have a full life…

3. Remember that Jesus paid your debt.

Each of us was dead in our sins before we were made alive in Christ. Jesus paid the price for your sins when He became the sin of the World on the cross. On the 3rd day, He arose from the grave and gave us victory. The wages of sin is death; but Jesus paid that debt. Jesus has the power and the authority to do anything.

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