
Summary: Practical/Biblical principles of ministry take from the works of George Mueller

George Mueller’s Ministry Secrets:

Mueller on Money

1. Do not receive a fixed salary [Best antidote for backsliding, must stay

in communion w/God to have daily needs supplied]

2. Never ask for human help to meet needs [Give God the opportunity

for maximum glory by providing your needs ’supernaturally’]

3. Sell all and give alms [Do not save money or gather any substance for

yourself but give all to those in need]

4. Owe no man anything [Borrower is servant to the lender, borrowing

admits God can not supply your need His way/timing]

Three Reasons for setting out on a work for God:

1. That God be glorified

2. That the spiritual welfare of others be met

3. That the physical welfare of others be met

Seven Key Methods for Discerning God’s Will:

1. Pray that the Lord by His tender mercy would not let Satan get

an advantage over you. (Psalm 25:2)

“If I can determine that it is Your will to go forward in this matter which I am bringing to you then I will do it, but, if not, I will hate even the thought of it and by Your grace put it aside.”

2. Wait on God resting in Him for the answer (Psalm 37:7)

3. The burden of prayer must be that the Lord would not allow me to make

a mistake, that He would: “Teach me to do Thy will” (Psalm 143:10)

4. Converse with nobody about it, not even your wife. (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

5. Have full and peaceful assurance God will show His will (John 7:17)

6. Do not be in a hurry, but careful deliberation with confidence is

the key (Proverbs 3:5,6; 11:3; 16:3)

7. Peace of God will come concerning your decision (Philippians 4:6,7)

a. Be slow to take new steps in the Lord’s service (Psalm 27:14)

b. Seek to have no will of your own (Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42b)

c. When His will is discerned, seek His help earnestly,

perseveringly, patiently, believing, expecting Him to do

what He promised in His Word (Psalm 57:2)

d. He will in His own way and timing bring it to pass

(John 14:14; 15:5)

Unrevealed Will of God

1. Must be CONSISTENT with His Revealed Will. (John 7:14-17)

2. Must have the peace of the COMFORTER (Philippians 4:16, 17)

3. Must agree with wisdom of COUNSEL (Proverbs 11:14)

4. Must agree with indicator of CIRCUMSTANCES(Genesis 24:12-28;

Judges 6:36-40)

5. Must be willing to wait for CONFIDENCE from God (Psalm 62:1, 5)

George Mueller’s Recommended Method for Discerning God’s Unrevealed Will

1. Have no will of your own. (Mark 14:36)

2. Seek the will of God in connection with the Word of God.

(Psalm 119:33-35)

3. Circumstances will agree with the Word of God. (Genesis 24:12-28)

4. Ask God to reveal His will in prayer. (Exodus 33:13, 18; Psalm 32:8)

5. Through prayer/study of the Word/voice of the Holy Spirit gives peace.

(Philippians 4:6, 7)

6. After two separate, patient petitions with the peace of

God means "YES"! (Psalm 143:10)

7. Obviously, no peace from God means “NO”! (Acts 16:6, 7)

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