
Summary: This is a sermon about the Creation story.


"In the beginning God created the heaven(s)and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

1. Foundation. The foundational verse, in the foundational chapter of the foundational book of the Bible. It refutes

Atheism denial of God.

Pantheism belief that nature is god.

Polytheism belief in many gods.

Materialism belief that matter is eternal and primary.

Dualism belief that matter or man has eternal existence.

Evolution belief that things evolved.


1. In the Beginning. Hebrew, Bereshith the first letter in the Bible is K.

Cannot look back into Eternity

Cannot look up Heaven

Cannot look down Hell

Can only look into the Word of God (right to left)


a. Space. The distance between objects, i.e., the area where physical reality exist.

b. Matter. All matter is energy according to Einstein.

c. Time. The measurement of events that appear in sequence.

The transcent all-powerful creator by decision called into being the universe of spare, time, and matter.

Henry Morris

d. Summary. Verse one is a summary of all that follows in chapter one.

2. Created. BARA, "To bring into existence"

a. Latin Ex Niholo To create out of nothing. Something from nothing. There are only two things: creator and creation.

b. Make-ASAH To make out of something.

c. Form-YATSAR To mold that which exist.

d. Created is singular, God is plural, heavens is plural, earth is singular. Theology is struggling with grammar.

3. Heaven(s). "The whole and all it’s innumerable parts"

a. Atmosphere. Jeremiah 4:25

b. Stratosphere. Isaiah 13:10

c. God’s Throne. Hebrews 9:24

4. Earth. A reference to the component of matter in the universe. Hebrew ERETS is translated ground, land or dirt.

5. God, Hebrew Elohim. Three Primary names of God:

a. Elohim, The strong powerful creator God.

b. Yahweh, The personal covenant keeping Lord.

c. Adonai, The master who controls our life.

d. Elohim implies the Trinity. The suffix "im" is plural


1. Is evolution really a science or a fanciful thing? A science begins with (1) a problem (2) gathers data (3) constructs hypothesis (suggested answer or law) (4) Tested by consist & correspondence (observable, repeatable, measurable) (5) Arrive at law/truth.

2. Evolution is scientifically a farce. "All things continue as they were from the beginning of creation, for this they are willingly ignorant" (II Peter 3:4,5). Illustration: Emperor’s clothes. If the world accepts creation, they must accept a creator.

3. Radio carbon (14) method of dating ancient earth. Live claim = 3,000 years old dead seal 30 days = 4602 years old.

4. Stalagmite & Stalactite. Washington monument built in 1923. In 1968 found a 5 foot stalactite.

5. Sun burns up and loses 5 feet per hour, or 5 million tons per second. If universe 100,000 year old sun twice its size. If universe 20 million years old sun touched the earth. If universe 400 billion years old sun fills entire universe.

6. Harold Slusher geophysics. Concerned moon landing dust would be 10’ to 400’ deep. Because the tons of dust in space landing on moon does not burn off. Moon dust was 1/4 to 4," implying moon was 10,000 years old.

7. Thomas Barnes, world’s authority on electro magnetic fields. At the rate it is decreasing, if the earth is 100,000 years old, earth would be a dwarf star, He said, "Earth is younger than we imagine."

8. Melvin Cook, world’s authority on helium. Measuring the helium against it’s escape, earth is 10,000 to 15,000 year old.

9. Recent research into DNA and cross frequency. "To think of evolving from one family to another is absurd."

10. No evidence there is another solar system of planets, only hypothesis and theory. There are billions of stars. Every "discovered" moon or planet is a dwarf star of warble of light from a star.

11. Who was present at creation. God ask, "Where were you when I created the universe? Tell me if you understand how I did it" (Job 38:4 ELT). "The angelic morning stars sat on the front row and sang for joy when they saw Me put the oceans in their place and stopped them from flooding dry land" (Job 38:7,8 ELT).

12. The power of God’s Word. "Through faith we understand that the worlds were formed by the word of God, so that things which are seen, were not made of things which do appear" (Heb. 11:3).


1. Planned salvation. We were redeemed. "With the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish...who verily was foreordained before the foundations of the world" (I Peter 1:19,20).

2. Personal salvation. "The Lord hath saved us and called us with a holy calling . . . according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began" (II Tim. 1:9).

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