
Summary: Throughout all the ages God has been working with all Generations. He is the God of Abraham, God of Jacob and God Isaac.

Concentration: on God’s method of working with generations.

“… the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen” (v.17a)

“… from David to the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations” (v.17b)

“… from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations” (v.17c)

“… shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins”(v21)

Meditation: on the generations God chose.

God used our fore fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) to establish the nation of Israel.

He also worked with Kings, some did good, some did evil: David, Josiah, Rehoboam and Ahaz are examples.

God also chose to work with individual persons, these include Joseph and Mary.

Now he is looking for a generation of believers to work with.

Revelation: on our generations God can work with.

The Patriarchs ‘From Abraham to David’ God can work with the most senior members of society to establish his purposes.

The Kings ‘from David to the carrying away into Babylon’ God can work with those in authority to achieve his goals on earth.

The private citizens ‘from the carrying away… unto Christ’ God can work with individuals in their private lives and still establish his Kingdom.

The entire population of the universe ‘Jesus: he shall save his people from their sins’ God wants to save as many people from their sins as possible through the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Application: As a Christian, I need to:

Serve God till my last breath, without going on pension.

Use the authority God gave me to advance godly things.

Worship and obey God in my private life.

Preach the good news of God’s salvation to all the people.

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