
Gather For Rhythm

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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The early church was devoted to teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. They gathered regularly, which had a profound impact on their lives. We too can experience this impact by developing the habit of gathering with other believers.

Gather For Rhythm

Youth Group Plan: Gather For Rhythm (Acts 2:42-47)

Youth Sermon: Gather For Rhythm


Let's talk about habits - the good, the bad, and the weird. Habits are like the auto-pilot of our lives. Did you know it takes about 66 days to form a new habit? Habits are all about cravings and rewards. What if we craved hanging out with our friends, praying more, and really getting the Bible? How could hanging out with our Christian friends help us develop these habits?

Imagine you're a piece of coal. Alone, you're just a lump of black stuff. But put you with other pieces of coal, and you can create a fire. That's what gathering together is like. Alone, we're okay. But together, we can create something powerful.

Habits are like the auto-pilot of our lives.

The First Christians

The first Christians knew how cool it was to hang out together. Acts 2:42 tells us they were all about learning, hanging out, eating together, and praying. They were super committed to getting together regularly.

Learning (Bible Study)

Learning takes time and effort, but it leads to really getting it. The first Christians were all about learning the Bible together. Do you have chances to really dig into your faith through youth group or Bible study?

Hanging Out (Fellowship)

The first Christians hung out together every day. While we may not hang out every day, chilling with other Christians is important. This can happen through youth group, sports teams, or just hanging out. Do you have a regular time to chill with other Christians?

Eating Together (Communion)

Communion is about remembering Jesus. It's like His last supper with His friends. Communion is a way to remember Jesus together. It connects Christians all over the world and throughout history. Do you regularly take communion?


Prayer is like a chat with God. Praying together with others is even cooler. The Lord's prayer, taught by Jesus, is a group prayer. There's power in praying together. Do you pray with your friends regularly?


Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to stop hanging out together. Getting together is part of who we are as Christians. It helps us when things get tough and encourages us to love and do good stuff. Think about your habits. Are there any changes you need to make? If you're not regularly hanging out with other Christians, think about why and what's stopping you. Let's pray together.


God, help us to make good habits and to hang out more with our Christian friends. Help us to learn, to remember Jesus, and to pray together. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some habits you want to develop?

2. How can gathering with other believers help you develop these habits?

3. What are some ways you can gather with other believers this week?

4. How can we support each other in developing these habits?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Craving Healthy Habits

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