
Gather for Encouragement

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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We need to gather together as believers to encourage each other towards love and good deeds, especially in times of increasing wickedness.

Gather for Encouragement

Youth Group Plan: Gather for Encouragement (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Youth Sermon: Gather for Encouragement

Importance of Hanging Out Together

Today we're talking about the importance of hanging out together, about finding a place where we can chill, chat, and challenge each other in our faith.

Have you ever heard of solitary confinement? It's when prisoners are kept all alone. It's pretty rough and can mess with their heads. We're made to be social, not alone.

Imagine a single stick. It's easy to break, right? But when you bundle a bunch of sticks together, it's almost impossible to break them. That's us. Alone, we can be broken easily, but together, we're strong.

We all need a little boost sometimes, right? The writer of Hebrews tells us to hang out together to motivate each other to love and do good stuff. It's hard to pump ourselves up when we're alone, but when we're with a group of friends who are all about encouraging each other, it's a game-changer.

Alone, we can be broken easily, but together, we're strong.

Spur One Another On

To spur someone on means to really push them towards love and good deeds. Sometimes, we need a little nudge to get moving. We've got to avoid getting stuck in a rut, especially with all the craziness in the world today.

Don't Give Up

Life's like a crazy roller coaster with lots of ups and downs. Even as believers, we face tough times and feel like giving up. But remember, we're not alone. Hanging out together helps us boost each other up and reminds us that there's always hope and good times ahead.

Habit of Hanging Out

Some people have stopped hanging out together. But as believers, hanging out is part of who we are. We can't let laziness or feeling down stop us from being part of a group that's got our back.

Do it More, Not Less

As we grow in our faith, we should want to spend more time with other believers. Just like a lion wouldn't go back to living as a bunny, we should embrace who we are as followers of Jesus and seek more hangouts, not less.

In a world where people are becoming more selfish, it's even more important for us to hang out together. We can't make it alone; we need each other's support and encouragement.

Commit to hanging out and find ways to chill with other believers. Let's take time to pray for and encourage each other today. Hanging out together is key for our spiritual growth and survival.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is it important to gather together as believers?

2. How can we encourage each other in our faith?

3. Share a time when you felt encouraged by someone.

4. What are some challenges you face in gathering together and how can you overcome them?

5. How can you commit to encouraging others this week?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Encouragement Chain

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