
Fundamental Gratitude

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Gratitude is more than just saying "thank you." It is an offering of thanks for the grace we have received. It is a reciprocal practice, where we receive God's grace and offer it back to Him and others.

Fundamental Gratitude

Youth Group Plan: Fundamental Gratitude (Genesis 8, Exodus 12)

Youth Sermon: Fundamental Gratitude

What Makes a Life Meaningful?

You know, these past few years we've lost a lot of famous legends. It makes us all stop and think about what really matters in life. We all want to live a life that means something, right? A life that leaves a mark. But what makes a life meaningful? The Bible tells us it's all about gratitude. When we're grateful, we see the good stuff in our lives and want to share it with others. Gratitude makes us happy, strengthens our relationships, and is the glue that holds society together.

The Bible tells us it's all about gratitude.

What's Gratitude?

So, what's gratitude? It's remembering and expressing the good stuff we get. It's like saying "thank you" for the blessings in our lives. Remember Noah from the Bible? After spending a year on a boat with a bunch of animals, the first thing he did was build an altar to thank God. That was a big deal back then. Noah was so thankful, he just had to express it.

And how did God react? He was stoked! He promised never to curse the earth or destroy all living creatures again. Noah got blessed because he chose to say thanks. This blessing wasn't something he earned or deserved; it came from his grateful heart.

Gratitude is More Than Just Saying Thanks

Gratitude, or "eucharista," is more than just saying "thanks." It's like a thank-you note for the grace we've received. It's a two-way street, where we get God's grace and give it back to Him and others. It's like a cop who saved a guy from jumping off a building by telling him, "I love you." The cop felt love for the guy and wanted to share it. That's what gratitude is all about.

Gratitude is About Seeing and Appreciating God's Goodness in Everything

Now, we often see God's grace when big things happen or when we get something we don't deserve. But we can easily miss the small stuff. We need to actively look for God's grace and practice gratitude all day. When we wake up, we can thank God for a new day. When we share a moment with a loved one, we can thank God for that connection. Gratitude is about seeing and appreciating God's goodness in everything.

Gratitude is Key for Us to Remember Our History and Avoid Making the Same Mistakes

God knew we tend to forget His acts of grace. So, He set up rituals like the Passover feast to help the Israelites remember their escape from Egypt. The Passover wasn't just a ritual; it was a way to say thanks. When the kids asked why they celebrated the Passover, the adults would remember and say thanks for God's grace. Gratitude is key for us to remember our history and avoid making the same mistakes.

Gratitude is the Foundation for a Meaningful Life

So, here's the deal. Gratitude is the foundation for a meaningful life. It leads to other good stuff like love, joy, and kindness. Gratitude is part of who we are, and even animals show a desire to give and receive thanks. To live a life that matters, we need to accept God's grace and practice gratitude by saying thanks to Him and others. Gratitude is the key to a life that means something.

Now, let's do a little object lesson. I want you all to take out your phones. Go to your camera roll and find a picture that makes you feel grateful. It could be a picture of your family, your pet, a sunset, anything. Now, every time you look at that picture, I want you to remember to say thanks. Not just in your head, but out loud. Say it to God, say it to the people in your life. Make gratitude a habit.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What is one thing you are grateful for today?

2. How can you express your gratitude to God?

3. How can you express your gratitude to others?

4. How does expressing gratitude make you feel?

5. How can you make expressing gratitude a daily habit?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Grace in Small Things

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