
Full Armor of God

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 3, 2024
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Explores the spiritual warfare Christians engage in, emphasizing the importance of truth, righteousness, and faith as spiritual armor against evil.


Good morning, beloved family of God. It is a joy to be among you today, to share in the fellowship of faith and the unity of the Spirit. We are gathered here, not as mere spectators, but as active participants in the grand narrative of God's redemptive love. We are not just observers of the faith, but we are soldiers in the army of the Lord, equipped with the full armor of God.

Our scripture today comes from the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10-24. Let us read together:

[Read passage]

The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, "To be a Christian is to be a warrior." Indeed, we are called to engage in a battle, not of physical might, but of spiritual strength. We are not called to fight with swords and spears, but with truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and the word of God.

Today, we are going to discuss three main points: Bearing the Belt of Truth, the Role of the Breastplate of Righteousness, and Bracing with the Shield of Faith.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the privilege of gathering in Your name. As we open our hearts and minds to Your word today, we ask for Your wisdom and understanding. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Bearing the Belt of Truth

In the ancient times, a soldier's belt was not just a fashion accessory. It was a vital part of his armor. It held his sword and other weapons. It protected his midsection. It was the piece that held everything else together. In the same way, truth is not just a nice idea or an optional extra in the Christian life. It is vital. It is central. It is the piece that holds everything else together.

Truth is the reality of God: It is the revelation of who He is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. It is the foundation of our faith. Without truth, our faith would crumble. Without truth, we would be left vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Without truth, we would be lost. But with truth, we are strong. With truth, we are secure. With truth, we can stand firm against the devil's schemes. With truth, we can fight the good fight of faith.

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Truth is not just something we believe: It is something we live. It is something we embody. It is something we bear. To bear the belt of truth is to live in the reality of God. It is to walk in His ways. It is to speak His words. It is to love His people. It is to do His will. It’s not just something we know. It is something we show. It is something we demonstrate. It is something we proclaim. To bear the belt of truth is to shine the light of God. It is to reflect His glory. It is to reveal His love. It is to share His gospel.

Truth is not just something we have: It is something we give. It is something we share. It is something we spread. To bear the belt of truth is to sow the seeds of God. It is to water His fields. It is to harvest His crops. It is to feed His sheep. It’s not just something we keep. It is something we guard. It is something we protect. It is something we defend. To bear the belt of truth is to stand on the front lines of God. It is to fight in His battles. It is to win His victories. It is to claim His promises.

Breastplate of Righteousness Role

The breastplate of righteousness is a crucial part of the armor of God ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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