
Summary: 2 of 2. The circumstances surrounding Peter’s reinstatement made much of the commitment needed to fulfill his station in life. Fulfillment hinges upon a commitment to love. Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

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FULFILLMENT From LOVE-II—John 21:15-22


Two young guys were talking about what they wanted to find in their mate. One friend said,"Some people say people with opposite characteristics make the happiest marriages. What do you think?"

The second friend replied, "I think they’re right. That’s why I am looking for a girl with money!"


All of the ills of mankind are directly or indirectly related to personal fulfillment.

If I am unfulfilled, I seek avenues by which it can be obtained. I am driven to reach a point of equilibrium of fulfillment...

If my job is unfulfilling, I seek employment elsewhere.

If my career is unfulfilling, I will seek a different path.

If my marriage is unfulfilling, I seek the return of satisfaction.

If my relationship is unfulfilling, I will seek relationships which meet my desire.

All of these problems are answered thru Love.

The circumstances surrounding Peter’s reinstatement made much of the commitment needed to fulfill his station in life.

The circumstances of Peter’s reinstatement made much of his personal commitment to love.

Fulfillment hinges upon a commitment to love.

How does love bring fulfillment to our lives?

4 commitments to love that bring fulfillment.

Last Sunday we found that...

1— Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

Your MISSION(:15-17)

Your commitment to Love also brings fulfillment to...

2— Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

Your DEATH(:18-19a).>.>.>.>.>.>.>

2— Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

Your DEATH(:18-19a)

Explanation: (:18-19a)End

:18—“Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself & walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, & another will gird you & carry you where you do not wish.”

:19—“This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him, “Follow Me.””

Jesus then encourages Peter in his mission by letting him know that there is coming a time in his life when, as a result of the present recommissioning, he will himself be given over to crucifixion(“stretch our your hands”) as had the resurrected Lord Jesus who is now speaking to him.

The absolute certainty of Peter’s “love” for Jesus is therefore crucial to the fulfillment of his mission. Without it, Peter will not willingly give his life to the task ahead, for Jesus would not be his Lord. This is the news all Christians dread to some degree...To be vested with such responsibility that our faith will take us to the ultimate place of commitment.

“Most assuredly/Verily, verily/Truly, truly/ I tell you the truth—amhn amhn—particle indeclinable—Hebrew origin—Nma aw-mane’—1) Firm—1a) metaph. Faithful; 2) Verily, amen—2a) at the beginning of a discourse - Surely, truly, of a truth, 2b) at the end - So it is, so be it, may it be fulfilled. It was a custom, which passed over from the synagogues to the Christian assemblies, that when he who had read or discoursed, had offered up solemn prayer to God, the others responded Amen, & thus made the substance of what was uttered their own. Strong—properly, Firm, i.e. (figuratively) Trustworthy; adverbially, Surely (often as interj. So be it).

“Younger”—newterov—1) Recently born, young, youthful; 2) New. Strong—Denotes the new primarily in reference to time, the young, recent. Neov is the new as contemplated under the aspect of time, that which has recently come into existence. It is evident that both neov & kainov may sometimes be applied to the same object, but from different points of view.

“Old”—ghraskw—1) To grow old; 2) of things & institutions: To fail from age, be obsolescent. Strong—To be senescent.

“Wished”2X(See :22)—yelw—V.—1) To will, have in mind, intend. Boulomai has the wider range of meaning, but yelw is the stronger word; yelw denotes the active resolution, the will urging on to action(see Ro 7:15), while boulomai is rather to have in thought, to intend, to be determined. See Mat. 1:19 for use in one sentence. Strong—by implication, To wish, i.e. Be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, To be about to; by Hebraism, To delight in.

Mat. 1:19—“Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, & not wanting(yelw) to make her a public example, was minded(boulomai) to put her away secretly.”

“Stretch out”—ekteinw—V.—1) To stretch out, stretch forth—1a) Over, towards, against one. Strong—from ek & teinw(to stretch); To extend. Used 16X.

“Gird”—zwnnuw—V.—1) To gird; 2) To gird one’s self. Strong—To bind about (especially with a belt). Used 2X.

“Carry”—ferw—1) To carry; 2) To bear, i.e. Endure, to endure the rigor of a thing, to bear patiently one’s conduct, or spare one (abstain from punishing or destroying); 3) To bring, bring to, bring forward. Strong—a primary verb (for which other & apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely, oiw; & enegkw; To "bear" or carry (in a very wide application, literally & figuratively).

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