
Summary: Your destiny fulfilment is the interest of God



The prophecy for the year which talks about destiny fulfillment is not a license to walk away from divine plan and guidance. To be satisfied this year, we must follow God and apply divine principles for a glorious and successful life. The following success principles should be our guide:

1) Be where God is - Gen 26:17-29, Psalm 1:1-6, Exodus 33:14-15

Christians thrive well in the dwelling place of God. The spiritual environment matters a lot for the Christian man to succeed in life. It is wisdom to be where God is. To be where God is means to be in God's presence. The physical environment/place may not be the "happening place" but if God is there for you, the Christian man must succeed exceedingly there - Gen 26:12-16, Job 22:29. It is the presence of God that distinguishes a Christian believer from the unbelievers - Exodus 33:16.

2) Follow God's Calendar - 1 Chron 12:32, Lam 3:25-26

One of the key benefits of the prophetic is that it allows us to know of divine timing and purpose -Amos 3:7. God works with the "appointed time", Job 14:14, Isaiah 55:8-9, John 2:4. We have to schedule our events and activities according to God's own timing that works best in all circumstance. Understanding times and seasons of the move of God, helps the Christian to live a life of success and it reduces loss and disappointment. When we pray in alignment with God's revealed timing and purpose, we can expect to see the heavens rend - Isaiah 64:1. A Christian can also work against God if he works contrary to God's plan and time, although he may work diligently with hard labor but may not prosper.

3) Do what God is doing - John 5:19-20, Isaiah 54:3, John 8:28

The ministry of Jesus Christ is very successful because He always does what the Father is already doing. It is easier and simpler to key into the working of God than to begin a work that is not of the interest of God. He is in the business of spreading out to the left and right, dispossessing nations in order to move God's kingdom - Isaiah 54:3. Jesus Christ was subject to the Father - John 5:20, He did his Father's will - Luke 22:42.

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