
Summary: This is the 5th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 2nd King". This Series is about King David.

Series: Israel’s 2nd King- David [#5]



1 Samuel 21:10-15


David had already been anointed as King; but instead of being the acting King, he was a fugitive. For many chapters, we watch David run and hide. This is the 2nd of 4 weeks looking at David, the fugitive. This morning, we are going to look at the compromise and humiliation that David experienced.

David was on his way to the bottom; but he hadn’t hit it yet. Fear drove him to go to Nob. Fear drove him to lie to Ahimelech. Fear drove him to take Goliath’s sword. Now fear drives him to do the strangest thing he has ever done. David goes to Gath.

1 Samuel 21:10

Compromise caused David to…

1. Live with the enemy.

David went to Gath- Where have we heard about this City before? Gath was in Philistine territory; but the key here is whose hometown this was- Goliath. David fled for refuge to the enemy’s camp. Why would David do this? We do not know for sure; but my guess is that he felt like Gath would be the last place that Saul would look for him.

1 Samuel 21:11-12

Compromise caused David to…

2. Disobey God.

So, David was in Gath with Goliath’s people. The man of God hiding in the enemy’s camp. This was an evil thing to do. God’s people were to have nothing to do with the Philistines. They were to be separated from the surrounding Nations; but David looked around and said, “What’s the quickest way out?” That’s a huge temptation when you find yourself in a difficult place. When you find yourself in a difficult place, the quickest way out is almost always wrong. When you start compromising your convictions and go over to the world’s side, disaster is soon to follow.

This whole scheme would have worked except for some of the Philistine servants who saw David, recognized him, and remembered what had been said about him- “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” They asked a simple question- “Don’t you know who this is? He is the leader of our enemy.”

1 Samuel 21:13-15

Compromise caused David to…

3. Act insane.

When David realized he couldn’t hide his true identity, his fear made him act like a madman. David feared what Achish might do to him so he pretended to be insane. This is from the man who won the greatest military victory in Israel’s history, the victory over Goliath. God’s man was acting insane. With that, David is kicked out of Gath. The compromise didn’t work. It only led to his humiliation.


1st, there was fear, then a lie, then desperation, then compromise, and then humiliation.

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