
Summary: Naomi saw trouble turn to triump when she turned back to God

I. A Mother in Catastrophe - vs. 1-5

A. The Famine

1. The Setting

2. The Sin

3. The Seriousness of the Famine, Amos 8:11

B. The Failure

1. Disobedience, Joshua 23:7

2. Distrust

3. Defiled, Joshua 23:11-13

II. Mother’s Conviction - vs. 6-7

A. She acted on what she heard - vs. 6

B. She acted with her heart - vs. 7

III. A Mother’s Concern - vs. 8-18

A. Her Sensitivity

B. Her Sacrifice

C. Her Surprise

IV. A Mother’s Crying - vs. 19-21

A. Naomi had changed “Is this Naomi” - vs. 19

1. A Change in her Appearance - ten years

a. Wrinkled brow from her sorrow

b. Wearied body from her struggles

2. A Change in her Attitude

a. She had backslidden

b. She had become bitter

B. Naomi had a Complaint - vs. 20-21

1. She blamed God for her Sorrow

2. She blamed God for her Suffering

C. Naomi had a Confession - vs. 21

V. A Mother’s Consolation - vs. 22, 2:1

A. The Timing of her Return

1. The Beginning of Spring

2. The Beginning of a New Supply

B. The Truth of a Redeemer, Eph 1:22, Eph 2:7

Conclusion: Naomi was left destitute, yet still wanted what was best for her family. But she did not find what was best until she herself repented. When Naomi was restored to fellowship with God - God moved in her life in a mighty way!

Disclaimer: A man once told me that if it is true, it is not new. If it is new, it is not true. We all know there is nothing new under the sun. With that said, I glean ideas for my sermons from God’s Word, my own thoughts and work, and many other sources. Any similarity to my sermons and others, where credit is not given, is either coincidental, or an unintentional mistake on my part. As none of us have a corner on the wisdom and teaching of God’s Word, it is my desire that any of my outlines be an encouragement, a help, and hopefully a motivation for others to preach God’s Word clearly. Please feel free to use any portion of my sermons if they can be of help to you and your ministry. I purposely include a skeleton outline, and not my full text, for this purpose. It is all for His Glory

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