
Summary: All of us will go through the pit at some point. All of us will at some point go through hard times. We will go through the valley. But for every pit, for every valley, there IS a way out that leads to the very promise of God!

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Here are things to remember when you get in the pit. First, intolerance of your condition creates your future. Say that with me. Intolerance of your condition creates your future. The problem is some start looking for ways to get accustomed to the pit. You read books on how to adjust to darkness. Or if life is always just a bowl of cherries, why am I always in the pits? Misery loves company. How many of you've ever heard that? Misery loves company. Several years ago, a Pastor was the guest speaker of the U.S. army in west Berlin Germany. While there, the Pastor and his wife were taken on a tour that included the Berlin wall built by the communists to keep their captive citizens in east Berlin from fleeing to west Berlin and freedom. Laying in their bed at the hotel, they could hear machine gun fire of the communists trying to kill people in east Berlin from climbing over that wall to freedom in west Berlin. It was a lesson for both of them in how precious freedom really is.

Their guide told them, "The tragedy of this wall is not that it was built, but the tragedy of this wall is that we grew accustomed to it". "We grew accustomed to it". Rather than fight communism, we grew accustomed to the slavery of communism. Hello, America. Are we becoming conditioned to political abuse? Freedom is not free. Too many Americans are trying to become accustomed to the slavery of socialism, socialism that is now trying to control the public schools where critical race theory is indoctrinated, and transgender indoctrination is happening to your children where they're being taught, "Are you really a boy or are you a girl?" It's time to stop this madness in America and save our children. America has become accustomed to the mass murder of innocent babies in the womb of its mother, known as abortion. It's the pit that's soaked with the blood of innocent babies who never had a chance to live.

I assure you that the death of every one of those precious babies, God will avenge in the future. And He will avenge it of the American people. You can count on that. America's economy is being destroyed by career politicians who never worked a day in their lives. But they are taxing the American people into poverty. America was not born so that the super-rich could control and enslave the rest of the population. Abraham Lincoln, in his address at Gettysburg, addressed America to be a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. That does not say, "We, the rich, will tell the rest of you what you're going to do". This is our country also! We have a voice in how it's run! The pit is not your destiny. The pit is not your potential. The pit is not God's will. "Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers".

The palace is your destiny. Get that in your mind. The palace is your destiny. God's absolute best is your destiny. You are a child of the King. You are royalty. You are destined to wear a crown of life. You are destined to wear a dazzling white robe of righteousness. You are destined to live in a mansion created by the architect of the ages. Your future is so dazzling that Paul said, "The half has not entered the minds of men what God has prepared for His own".

Remember when you're in the pit that Satan always attacks the person who's next in line for a promotion. Satan attacked Joseph because he knew his potential. Joseph would save the Jewish people from starvation and death. Actually, he saved the Egyptian people and actually the people of the world when you read the biblical text. But let's stay with this one point. Consider the potential of the Jewish people. The Jewish people would produce Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Jewish people produced King David. The Old Testament prophets, they brought to us Jesus Christ. Paul, who is the father of the New Testament church, who wrote most of the New Testament, he was there.

Without the Jewish people, none of us would be here today. Satan attacked Jesus because he knew His potential. Jesus would shed His priceless Blood at Calvary to liberate and set free every human who confessed Him, because He is the chain breaker. He is the Waymaker. Jesus was raised from the dead, proving life and all eternity. "Because He lives, we shall also live". Jesus will return in the near future to Jerusalem as King of kings and Lord of lords. He'll put an end to this "Who owns the land of Israel" noise. He will rule the world with a rod of iron for a thousand years.

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