
Summary: 'From Grace to Glory!' 1 Peter chapter 5 verses 5-11 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Be humble (vs 5-6).

(2). Be dependent (vs 7).

(3). Be alert (vs 8-9).

(4). Be assured (vs 10-11)



• After a particularly long and bumpy the flight crew of an airplane were tired.

• This were especially weary after a very difficult and rough landing.

• This particular airline had a policy that the pilot must stand by the door,

• And with the rest of the staff thank the passengers as they exited for flying with them.

• The pilot was dreading this because of the rough landing but he stood faithfully by.

• Surprisingly most people walked past them, and no one really said a word.

• Then came the last passenger, an elderly lady walking with a cane.

• As she got up to the captain she said, “Can I ask a question?”

• “Sure,” answered the captain.

• She asked, “Did we land or were we shot down?”

• TRANSITION: Well, this is our last sermon in 1 Peter,

• So today we hit the landing strip,

• I hope it will not be a rough ride!

There are four things in this passage that I want us to look at.

(1). Be Humble (vs 5-6).

“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility towards one another, because,

‘God opposes the proud

but shows favour to the humble.’

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”


• D. L. Moody was a well-known evangelist in the 19th century,

• He revolutionized evangelism in the United States,

• And undoubtedly one of the greatest evangelists of all time.

• He was a simple man, who used simple sayings, one of those sayings is,

• “Be humble or you'll stumble.”

Humility has been a theme all the way through this letter:

• e.g., Peter instructed Christians to be submissive to those in government.

• (Chapter 2 verses 13-17).

• e.g., Peter instructed Christian slaves/employees to be submissive to their masters/bosses.

• (Chapter 2 verses 18-25).

• e.g., Peter instructed Christian wives to be submissive to their husbands.

• (Chapter 3 verses 1-7).

• Now Peter instructs all Christians to submit to God and to each other.

• All Christians whatever their age, occupation or sex.

• (Chapter 5 verses 3-7).

As I read these words on humility, a question comes to mind,

''Was there ever a morning that the crowing of the rooster did not remind Peter of his pride and his need for humility?''

• The apostle Peter found out first-hand the truth of the idiom; “Pride comes before a fall”.

• When we have too much pride or confidence it will cause a person to make mistakes,

• And as Christians we so often end up living and acting for God in our own strength.

• The idiom/phrase “Pride comes before a fall” is adapted from a verse in the Bible:

• A verse found in the book of Proverbs (chapter 16 verse 18).

• “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

In contrast to pride,

• True humility, will show us in our best light,

• And it will make us a blessing to others.

• Quote: Anglican author and preacher John R.W. Stott said:

• “Pride is your greatest enemy; humility is your greatest friend.”

• The world sees humility as submission and weakness.

• They would never say, “…it is your greatest friend.”

• I like what C.S. Lewis wrote,

• “True humility isn’t thinking less of yourself; but it is thinking of yourself less.”

Notice what Peter says,

• All believers, young and old should submit to each other.

• All believers, young and old should submit to God.

• I would suggest we will never be submissive to each other,

• Until first we are submissive to God.


• To make the point even clearer the apostle quotes from the Old Testament.

• He quotes from Proverbs chapter 3 verse 34.

• NIV: “God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble”

• KJB: “God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.”

• NLT: “God gives special blessings to those who are humble...”

• We might be willing to submit to God,

• But often it takes grace to submit to other people!


• Submission is a bit like driving a car,

• If everyone could drive as good as me what a difference it would make to the roads,

• But of course, they cannot not!

• You know that I am not as good a driver as I think I am,

• And other people are not as bad as I often make them out to be.

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