
From Excluded to Included

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Jul 25, 2024
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Instead of thinking in terms of in or out, we should think in terms of near or far from Jesus. This mindset fosters unity, humility, and compassion.

From Excluded to Included

Youth Group Plan: From Excluded to Included (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Youth Sermon: From Excluded to Included


Hey guys, Today, we're diving into a letter from a dude named Paul to a church in Ephesus. This church was a wild mix of people - some used to worship a Greek goddess named Artemis, others were Jews, and some were just regular folks. But they all had one thing in common - they loved each other big time, thanks to God's love changing their hearts.

Let's pray before we get started. 'Hey Jesus, thanks for your love that brings us close to you. Help us to get even closer to you today and show that love to others. Amen.'

Hey Jesus, thanks for your love that brings us close to you. Help us to get even closer to you today and show that love to others. Amen.

Understanding Ephesians 2:11-22 and Ephesians 3:19

Paul was telling the non-Jewish believers in Ephesus that they used to be outsiders, not part of God's special promises. But because of Jesus, they were now part of the family. This shows us that God's love and promises are for everyone, no one is left out.

Paul also gives us a new way to think about things. Instead of thinking about who's in or out, we should think about who's near or far from Jesus. The old way of thinking was all about who's part of the group and who's not, which just causes fights and makes people feel superior. The new way is all about how close people are to Jesus, who's the center of everything. This way of thinking brings people together and encourages kindness and understanding.

The Concert Analogy

Imagine you're at a concert. The closer you are to the stage, the better you can see and hear the band, right? But the people at the back, they're still at the concert, they're just further away. Jesus is like the band on stage. Some of us are right up front, others are further back. But Jesus doesn't kick anyone out of the concert. He wants everyone to come closer, to hear his message of peace.


So, what does this mean for us? Just like the Ephesus church, we're being built into a place for God's Spirit. We're a church for those who are close to God and want to get closer, and for those who are far from God but want to start their journey towards him.

So, where are you at the concert? Are you near or far from Jesus today? Remember, Jesus wants everyone to come closer. He offers peace and acceptance to all who come to him. Let's pray together, asking Jesus to help us move closer to him and show his love to others.

'Jesus, help us to draw closer to you. Show us how to love others in a way that brings them closer to you too. Amen.'

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Do you feel near or far from Jesus today? Why?

2. What are some things that can bring us closer to Jesus?

3. How can we help others who feel far from Jesus to draw near?

4. How does understanding our position in Christ affect our relationship with others?

5. What steps can you take this week to draw nearer to Jesus?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Proximity to Jesus

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