
From Death to Life

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on May 8, 2024
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In Ezekiel 37, God shows His power to bring life from death. Through Jesus, God brings life to our brokenness, hope to our despair, and revives our spirits. Let's embrace God's Word and the Holy Spirit's presence, stepping out of spiritual death into a life filled with purpose, joy, and eternal significance.

From Death to Life

Youth Group Plan: From Death to Life (Ezekiel 37:1-14, Luke 1:37)

Youth Sermon: From Death to Life


Hey guys, have you ever seen a zombie movie? You know, where the dead come back to life? Well, today we're going to talk about something even cooler than that. We're going to talk about how God can bring life to what seems dead. And no, I'm not talking about zombies. I'm talking about us, our lives, our hopes, and our dreams.

We're going to talk about how God can bring life to what seems dead.

Ezekiel's Vision

Let's dive into a crazy vision from the Bible, in Ezekiel 37:1-14. Ezekiel sees a valley full of dry bones. Imagine that! A valley full of bones, like a scene from a horror movie. But this isn't a horror story. It's a story of hope.

Ezekiel was feeling pretty hopeless, just like we sometimes do. Maybe you're feeling like that right now. Like you're just a pile of dry bones, with no life or purpose. But here's the cool part. God tells Ezekiel to speak to these bones. And when he does, they start to move, come together, and become alive again.

God's Revival

Now, let's bring this to our world. Imagine you have a dead plant. It's all dried up, no life left in it. But then you start watering it, giving it sunlight, and speaking life to it. Slowly, it starts to come back to life. That's what God does with us. He speaks life into our dry, dead places. He brings hope where there's despair, and He revives our spirits.

But how does He do this? Through His Word and His Spirit. Just like the water and sunlight for the plant, God's Word and Spirit bring life to us. They help us grow, change, and become who we're meant to be.

Our Role

And guess what? We can do the same for others. We can speak life and bring hope to those around us. We can share the love of Jesus and show them that no matter how dead things may seem, God can bring life.

So, what's the takeaway? Don't let yourself stay in a place of feeling dead or hopeless. Embrace God's Word, invite His Spirit into your life, and watch as He brings life to your dry bones. And then, go out and do the same for others.


Let's pray: "God, thank you for bringing life to our dry bones. Help us to embrace Your Word and Your Spirit. Give us the courage to speak life to others and bring hope in the darkness. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we apply the lesson from Ezekiel's vision to our lives today?

2. How can we speak life into our situations like Ezekiel did to the dry bones?

3. How does the Holy Spirit help us experience new life in Christ?

4. How can we help others experience this new life?

5. What does it mean to live a life of purpose and mission for God?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Life from Bones

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