
Summary: A visitation, encounter, or word from or about Jesus brings freshness in God’s presence. Freshness comes from the knowledge of or about Jesus, not from the works or gifts.

In revivals, people used to spend a lot of time in God’s presence. Holy spirit used to revive, restore, rebuild, and refresh souls. There isn’t any fatigue, sluggishness, etc.

Whenever God’s presence used to come, there was a fresh awakening to see Jesus, know Jesus, love Jesus, adore Jesus, admire, elevate, and worship Jesus.

A visitation, encounter, or word from or about Jesus brings freshness in God’s presence. Freshness comes from the knowledge of or about Jesus, not from the works or gifts.

Every time God’s presence comes, it brings a new freshness about Jesus i.e. open an existing understanding about Jesus, reveal a new understanding about Jesus, continuing an experience with Jesus etc.

The ushering of God’s presence is not the same every time. Jesus performed a lot of miracles, but each one was done in a unique way. No two miracles are done the same way. God’s presence is the same. There is no repeated way to bring God’s presence. We can’t prepare/manufacture God’s presence. Only Holy Spirit brings God’s presence. It’s an act of pure mercy of God.

Every time God’s presence comes, it does so in a unique way. Sometimes people are led to cry, to pray, or to confess their sins. It is not always the same. The self is revealed, fleshly activities are broken, and there is a Holy Fear in God’s presence.

These days, people manufacture God’s presence by a repeated way of worship. Anytime there is a consecutive repetition, it is not from God. God’s presence is always fresh, bringing with it a fresh knowledge about Jesus, a new drawing to Jesus, a change in their spiritual walk, and a new outward transformation.

People are spending more time in God’s presence, but they are still the same. They still have the same ways, talk and worship. There is no growth in spiritual walk with Jesus and no outward transformation.

In the presence of God, everything changes. There is an alignment from our current location in the direction of God’s plans which leads to God’s will. It can be 180-degree alignment or 90-degree alignment. Both a physical and a spiritual transformation takes place. There are two sides to God’s presence.

1) Inspiration – A Visitation of Jesus / A Word from Jesus / Encounter with Jesus

2) Action – Led to Pray / Drawn to seek God/ repent/ Change in our ways

First, when we are inspired by God, we act on that inspiration, which moves us closer to God’s will. While blessings may come our way, they may not represent God’s complete will. Fullness of God is God’s will. God’s presence comes frequently to make us like Jesus.

These days, there is an inspiration from God but there is no necessary action from our side.

Based on the inspiration from God, the necessary action needs to be taken.

Holy Spirit works actively in God’s presence and prepares our souls to see Jesus.

God is working on our lives to make us whole like Jesus by sending His presence to us week after week.

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