
Summary: We have received freely the grace of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, God is expecting us to give same freely for the blessings of mankind and to the glory of His name.

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Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give.

Study Text: Matthew 10:1 - 8.


-. Jesus called His disciples and commission them for the preaching of the Gospel.

-. He empowered them for the great assignment because the Gospel is not expected to be preached in words only, but in the demonstration of the power of God for the blessings of mankind and to the glory of His name alone.

-. He however, warn them not to make merchandise of the grace and gifts of God given to them. This is because they received them freely and they must bless the people and profit the Kingdom of God with it freely.

-. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Commission Advancing the Preaching of the Gospel

2. The Care Accompanying the Preaching of the Gospel

3. The Caution Associating with the Preaching of the Gospel

1. The Commission Advancing the Preaching of the Gospel

-. Jesus sent forth His disciples to go out and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

-. His heart desire and the purpose for which He came was to reach everyone with the Gospel of Peace, so that they can be reconciled with God. 2 Corinthians 5: 15 - 17.

-. Even though Jesus wanted the Gospel to be preached, it must not be void of His power.

-. So, He empowered those He commissioned and gave them power and authority over sicknesses and the powers of darkness.

-. He had declared that the manifestation of His power is a sign that should follow every believer in Him, and should serve as evidence of our approval of Him. Mark 16:17

-. The same way Jesus sent out His disciples in the Bible days, He is also sending us out today to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nation. Matthew 20: 28

-. Just as it is with them, He doesn't want us to go out without His power, for the manifestation of His power must accompany the preaching for the blessings of the people.

-. This power comes to us through the Holy Spirit, and by His Anoiting, we receive the boldness to preach and the power for signs and wonders. Acts 1: 8

-. The reason Jesus permitted His Church to remain after His assencion to Heaven was because of this assignment and great commission.

-. Everyone of us must be committed to this assignment as individual believer and as the Church till He comes back for His Church.

2. The Care Accompanying the Preaching of the Gospel

-. The Gospel of the Kingdom is a total package of liberation and freedom from the hold and bondage of Sin, Sickness and Satan, so as we preach for the people to receive Salvation from sin, they must also be receiving Healing from all manner of Sicknesses, and Deliverance from all manner of Satanic Afflictions and Oppressions.

-. So, the total Gospel is to care for the welfare of people in all ramifications: They are reconcile to God to live for Him, and release from Satan and Sicknesses to enjoy their new life in God. Colossians 1: 13 - 14.

-. This power and the Holy Spirit Anoiting must follow us if we are truly His disciples and are willing to obey His commands and be available for Him to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

-. We must believe Him for His words, and ensure that we carry out this ministry of Healing, Deliverance and Restoration in every where and at every time we have the opportunity to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

-. God is always faithful to His words, and we can see in the Bible testimonies that abound to His faithfulness in manifesting His power everywhere the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached.

-. Also, in our own days, several testimonies abound to His faithfulness in manifesting His power for signs and wonders and confirming the preaching of His word.

-. It is true that some Satanic agents parading themselves as Ministers of the Gospel are using demonic powers and lying wonders to deceive people, and many of them have been mistaken to be operating by the power of God, but the truth is the power of God is still in action today, backing up the faithful Ministers of the Gospel, and this will continue to be until Jesus come.

-. We have a very good example in the city of Samaria, where the Magician was using demonic powers to work miracles and the people believed in as a Man of God. But when Philip got there, preaching the real Gospel and manifesting the power of the Holy Spirit Anoiting, the difference was clear, and all the people who have been deceived were won back to the Lord and His Kingdom. Acts 8: 1 - 8

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