
Summary: Freedom is the answer that you’ve been looking for.

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Have you ever thought of taking time for your heart? What power their is in dwelling in your heart? In truly opening the flood gates and allowing the Lord to come in and heal the broken places in your life.

Lets stop just for a few moments here. Write down what your thinking right now as you read those questions. Let the Lord minister to your heart. He wants to free you, but the question you must address right now before we go further in your heart is are you willing to take responsiblity for decisions you’ve made? Are you willing to face problems head on? Battles head on? Are you ready to rejoice in the Lord even in the face of persecution? Are you?

The list goes on and on as the swales grow larger and larger in the vast expanse that is the ocean of our lives. Neo stands up and exchanges his former idenity as Mr.Anderson for Neo in the Matirx triology. Athensias from church history runs for his life into the desert only to be called out of the desert into the office of a Bishop. Moses is left on the river but called to be a prince of Egypt. Joseph is taking into slavery but then brought into the royal family.

This is just a short story from the story that is our lives. You see their is something so firece within each one of us, but also something so tender. Now who would place that their? Who is the One who helps us and guides us? The Spirit of Truth? The Lover of our souls?

We have often been told another story. We have been told the story of stoppage. The story that stop from finishing instead of allowing us to go into freedom. Revelation 3:20-22, "20Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. 22"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.""’ "

If He knocks at the door of our hearts at a sick spiritual congregation how much more does He knock on the door still of our congregations? Do we hear and heed the voice of the Lord? Or do we shy back because we really are more interested in doing it the hard way, in walking in Egypt in spiriutal bondage instead of spiriutal freedom? He invites those who come into the door to overcome as He overcame through His sacrifice being approved by the Father so as to be resurrecuted from the grave to give us new life, and sitting down now with the Father through the Ascension to the Right hand of the Father. If this doesn’t get through to you, then hear what the Spirit is saying to your heart right now as confirmation of His Word. He wants you to be free by coming through the door of your heart. Won’t you let Him in today?

Beg me leave here to share a story. Israel was bondaged and still is to this day. Why? Israel has not awakened to the reality that its Lover is the King. Israel wanted a King, but it already had a heavenly King the Messiah.

We are begining to see how far this goes, but it cannot ever stop their. The heart is the key to unlocking your freedom in Him. It is the key to walking in the power of the Spirit which Paul speaks of throughout his letters. If you are going to walk in the Spirit of freedom of adoption not in the former bondages then you are going to have to make some radical changes in your own life. We were never sold into slavery because slavery is our former selves according to Paul in Romans 6. Slavery is for those who were sold into it, but slavery is not who we are now, as believers, for that slavery was purchased so that we could have new life and live the new life. God always equips us for what He requires of us, so that we can walk in the Spirit and thus equip others to serve Him as He equips us to serve others.

All the stories of our lives; the one’s that have truly made an impact on our lives are the one’s that involve us. The stories that impact our lives are the one’s that call us to adventure. Trying reading the words of Scripture and you will see the God who pursues us is the God who is engaging us to adventure. He is the Master Story Teller and He’s the one whose invited us into His story of redemption. Its the classical tale. Its Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Gladiator and Caddyshack all smacked together in one. The story is so central to our lives that without our hearts we will faint.

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