
Summary: The enemy cannot hold the curse over you for you have been redemed from the curse of the Law.

December 4, 2016

Morning Worship

Text: Galatians 3:7-8

Subject: Redeemed

Title: Free From the Enemy: Redeemed Part 4

We continue today with our sermon series called “Redeemed”. Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Isn’t that right? You are redeemed and you are blessed!

Well, yes, we’ve heard that for the last 3 weeks. Why do you think that you have to keep repeating it? Oh does anybody know the answer to that?


Isn’t that right? And I know that for the last three weeks we have seen powerful moves of the Spirit and the gifts are in operation and people are getting blessed and they walk out of church every Sunday knowing they are blessed. But if Sunday is the only time you know you are blessed, then we haven’t quite gotten there yet.

Oh, but if you wake up every morning and open your eyes and say, “I’m Blessed”, and you can’t wait to get up and get going at whatever you do, then you’re making progress.

You get into your car to go to work and the car starts – “I’m blessed!” You go to County Market and find that what you needed was on sale – “I’m Blessed”. Oh, but that’s just the beginning. Even when things don’t look so grand, you just keep on saying “I’m Blessed”. I’m blessed. My wife / husband is blessed. My family is blessed. My car is blessed. My job is blessed. My boss is blessed. My bank account is blessed. My church is blessed. Every ministry and minister in the church is blessed. Are you all getting this?

Are you blessed?

Well, you see, that’s why we keep going over it. We want it to get out of your brain and down into your spirit man. That is so important, because if the only place you have it is in your head then you set yourself up for attacks from the enemy – satan – the destroyer. Your brain is part of the natural man and subject to attack.

But if you have it in your spirit the enemy has no place to work. If it is in your spirit man then even if the attack comes to your mind, you are continually renewing your mind so that you can know the will of God, and church, it is not God’s will for you to be under the curs but to be blessed.

Let’s read our scripture today. Galatians 3:7-9,

7 Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. 8 The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

I believe this is God’s word…

I believe it is for me…

I accept it as mine…

I will appropriate it to my life today…

We look at those verses and there is so much in there about who we are… those who believe are children of Abraham… That’s us. Are there benefits from being children of Abraham? 9 So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. Now a lot of well intentioned people want to tell us that refers to spiritual blessings only. Abraham found favor with God because of his faith and so by faith he was called a friend of God… That is true… and listen to me, that is the most important part. We can only find favor with God through faith in Jesus Christ. But it’s not the only kind of blessing that Abraham experienced. He had more gold, more silver, more servants, more sheep, more goats, more donkeys than anybody else around. He had so much that the blessing ran off onto his nephew Lot, that they had to divide and go their separate ways because the ground couldn’t sustain all their possessions. He was Blessed.

But are Christian people supposed to have that kind of blessing?

Look at verse 8… The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”

Here we see that the Holy Spirit through Paul is telling us that the gospel message is more than if you believe you won’t go to hell. Again, that’s the most important thing – your eternal destiny. But this gospel message has to include the same kind of blessings that Abraham experienced. That’s where the enemy of your soul wants to come in and tell you that if you are going to be a good Christian you just have to be content with what you have and just hold on till Jesus comes. He does not want you to know that these blessings are intended to be for you.

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