Preach "The King Has Come" 3-Part Series this week!
Preach Christmas week


Summary: description of revelation six

the four seals of the antichrist

1: jesus opens the first seal

a) rev 19:11 speaks of a white horse

b) this in cahpter six is not the same horse

c) this rider and horse are the antichrist

d) notice the rider has a bow but no arrows

point: alot of speculation is made of how the antichrist will come into power, the bow with no arrows means he will come into power by peace. peacefully he will conquer the nations, after the church is raptured out it will open the way for him to set up his rule. he will make a false pact with the jews and europe note: 1 thess 5:2,3. this fulfills christ’s word in matt 24:5 and also fulfills his words in john 5:43.

2: the second seal is a red horse

a) world peace will not last long

b) rev 6:3,4 red horse of war rev 12:3 red dragon rev 17:3 red beast

c) the red represents carnage and bloodshed this is a common thing with war

point: he will come as a peace providing global superman in reality he is only satan’s superman set on the destruction of all who oppose his effort to rule the world.

3: the black horse

a) famine and war go together

b) matt 24:7 black indicates famine

c) balances represent the government’s control of food

point: the scripture indicates it will take a days work to earn enough money to buy a quart of grain, the oil and wine represent how the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer.

4: the pale horse

a) death and hell

b) the have authority to kill one fourth of the population

c) four methods are used

1: the sword ( viloence and war )

2: hunger ( famine )

3: death and pestilence ( diseases accompanies war and famine )

4: beasts ( nature will take over when civilization falls apart) note: ezkekiel 14:21 the wild beasts

closing: why is it important to learn these things?

1: one many people crave a good sermon or bible stdy on revelation, more importantly someone sitting in the congregation is destined for this outcome if they continue outside of the salvation of the lord jesus christ,

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