
Summary: A message to sharing four pearls of wisdom from Proverbs 3.

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Four Pearls from a Proverb

Proverbs 3:1-12

Introduction: Scholars tell us that Solomon is the probable author of most if not all of the Proverbs. The inscription in the very first verse bears his name and since he is considered to be one of the wisest men who ever lived it behooves us to pay attention and take heed to what he has left for us. It is worth noting that knowledge appears 42 times, wisdom 54 times, understanding 54 times and instruction 25 times. So there can be no doubt as to the overall theme of these proverbs. A proverb is defined as a short saying that expresses an obvious truth and often offers advice. The truth we have in the proverbs has stood the test of test and there is much we can learn today. I have titled this message "Pearls from the Proverbs" because pearls, good pearls, are very valuable. Natural pearls are the most expensive type of pearl. The Baroda pearls, for example recently sold at auction for more than $7 million. But natural pearls like this are extremely rare and are primarily for collectors. Today, cultured pearls are what people see at jewelry stores around the world. The word pearl is used only twice in the Bible and both times it is used to describe something very valuable.

Matthew 13:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Revelation 21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

My hope and prayer this morning is that you will see the great value in the knowledge, wisdom, instruction and understanding found in this Scriptures. Let's look at four pearls "...of great price... "found in chapter 3.

First, there is the pearl of:

I. The Truth

a. Don't forget the truth vs 1-2

America has forgotten the truth and because she has we have no objective standard and therefore every man does that which is right in his own eyes. There needs to be a re-discovery of the truth of in our country. Perhaps American believers have taken such a casual attitude towards God's word because it is so accessible. It's easy to forget God's law when we don't keep it from the heart. When this happens then it becomes more about religion than relationship. We forget who created us, who blesses us and who we owe everything to. Do you notice what we have when we have the truth? Verse 2 declares that when we don't forget the truth we have "...peace..." I submit to you that what is wrong in America today is that there is no peace because we have forgotten the truth, the Bible!

b. Don't forsake the truth vs 3-4

Let mercy and truth be your constant companions! Two verbs are used here, bind and write. Those that keep God's word before them and use it to be the motivation of their every act, word and deed will ..."find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man." Mercy and truth are indispensable elements in our moral character. Mercy in are dealings with others and truth as the governing principle of our lives. The word "...favour..." is grace, the grace of God. Noah found "...grace in the eyes of the Lord..." and so will every man who does not forsake His truth. Also, the latter portion of verse 4 says that this kind of man will possess discrimination and discernment which will be recognized by those who come into contact with him.

Psalms 25:10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.

Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.

Second, there is the pearl of:

II. The Trust vs 5-8

a. Surrender to the Sovereign v. 5-6

Surrender: not to a creature, even the best, the holiest, and the highest falls short of His glory; not in any creature enjoyment, riches, power, and wisdom; nor in any outward privilege, arising from position or pedigree ; not in a man's self, in his own heart, which is deceitful; nor in any works of righteousness done by him; not in a profession of religion, or outward obedience, no matter how well it is performed; but in the Lord, the object of all grace, and in him only; in Jehovah the Father, as the God of creation and providence, for all temporal blessings; and as the God of all grace, for all spiritual blessings, and all the needful supplies of grace; and for eternal happiness, which he has provided, promised, and freely gives. Trust in him at all times; in times of affliction, temptation, and darkness: there is a great deal of reason for it; all power and strength are in him to help; his love, grace, and mercy, move him to it, and are always the same: the consideration of what he has done for others that have trusted in him, and for ourselves in times past, should encourage to it. Trust in Jehovah the Son; in his person for acceptance; in his righteousness for justification; in his blood for pardon; in his fullness for supply; in his power for protection and preservation; and in him alone for salvation and eternal life. Trust in Jehovah the Spirit, to carry on and finish the work of grace upon the heart; of which a saint may be confident that where it is begun it will be completed. And this trust in Father, Son, and Spirit, should be "with all the heart", fully surrendered and sincere. The phrase signifies a faith unfeigned; it is not saying, or professing, that a man believes and trusts in the Lord; but it is with the heart, and with his whole heart, that he believes unto righteousness. John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

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