Forty Days That Changed A Life. 3.
Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Did you know that when Goliath appeared to Israel, he challenged Israel for forty days? So, when David went to meet Goliath it was after forty days of challenge.
Forty days that changed a life. 3.
First Samuel 17:45 -- 50. 06/05/05
This is our third sermon in our series titled forty days that changed a life. So, take your Bible and turn to first Samuel 17, and we are going to be talking about a story that is familiar to about all here. This story is about David and Goliath.
Last Sunday we talked about Moses spending forty days and 40 nights in a mountain with God. Spending those forty days with God alone in the mountain transformed the life of Moses. He left that mountain with a different view of God.
Did you know that when Goliath appeared to Israel, he challenged Israel for forty days? So, when David went to meet Goliath it was after forty days of challenge. So, David has spent forty days in preparation and prayer before he went out to meet the giant. We all know the story; David went out to meet the giant and defeated him. Let’s read our texts for the morning message.
There are several lessons in our texts, but I want us to focus on just one. That is the Giants that come in life. Are there any Giants in your life?
What we have here is a picture of spiritual warfare. You know from the time Jesus walked this earth, there have been so many changes. History tells us that Jesus never traveled more than 300 miles from his place of birth. He traveled by foot most everywhere he went. But you know what hasn’t changed; the same enemy that Jesus faced 2000 years ago is the same enemy we face every day of our life?
Now in the story of David and Goliath, we have about three pictures I want us to consider this morning. We want to know the first picture, A PICTURE OF SATAN.
I believe that Goliath serves for us the picture of Satan. I want you to notice something about this man Goliath. The Bible says first of all that the giant stood 6 cubits and a span high. That is probably about 9’ 4” tall. But what I want you to note is this is the first 6. When you study, he had 6 pieces of armor. That is the second 6 we fine. So far we have 66. Also all his armor weighed 600 shekels counting his coat and helmet. That is the third 6. So if you have been listening, you see the giant is represented by the numbers 666. Now what is the devil’s number?
We not only notice the size of the giant but also the strategy of the giant. The strategy of the giant was to defeat the army of Israel by defeating one man. Now the strategy of Satan is to defeat God by defeating the people of God. It seemed the whole battle hung between David and Goliath. Goliath said I will be the champion of the Philistines and said to Israel, chose you a champion. We will do battle till one of us is dead and the winner will take all. If I am the winner; then Israel will serve the Philistines. If I am defeated then the Philistines will serve Israel. There was a lot at stake in this battle.
Now if you can see in Goliath the picture of Satan, then you would have to say that David is THE PICTURE OF THE SAVIOR.
When you read your Bible, you discover many times Jesus was referred to as the Son of David. When David faced the giant, a lot was at stake for God’s people. It had to do with who they would serve.
If Jesus had lost the battle at the cross of Calvary, folks, we would still be in our sins without any hope after this life. We would have no assurance of eternal life and resurrection from the grave. Listen; when David faced the giant, he defeated the giant without the army of Israel ever entering the battle. Folks; that is the way it was with our Champion when He faced the devil at Calvary. He defeated death, hell and the grave without you and me ever firing a shot. We are the victors through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
We see not only the picture of Satan and the Savior but also THE PICTURE OF THE SAINT.
You know when David went out to meet the giant in his life; he fought a battle that had already been won? He defeated the giant when he purposed in his heart to be God’s man, God’s instrument in the battle.
When Napoleon was defeated by General Willington and the British army at Waterloo, the people stood anxiously waiting to hear how the battle was going. The only way they knew how it was going was from a ship that would signal to the shore. After what seemed many hours, the signal came and it spelled, “W I l l I n g t o n d e f e a t e d and a cloud blocked their vision. They were almost in a panic, saying General Willington has been defeated. Then the cloud lifted and they could make out the rest of the spelling; which spelled Willington defeated the enemy at Waterloo.