
Summary: A Sermon comparing Joseph as a type of Christ, and of this Gospel Age.

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Forgiven Forgotten and Fruitful

Joseph is a type of Christ:

Both were the favorite son of a wealthy father: Gen. 37:3, Matt. 3:17 - were rejected and hated by their brothers; - were sold for the price of a slave: Gen. 37:28, Matt. 26:15 - their brothers conspired to kill both of them; Joseph eventually was not killed, Jesus was; - Joseph reconciled with his brothers, and soon he raised them to honors, Jesus did the same, he died for our redemption; - Joseph fed with bread all the people in the 7 years of shortage, Jesus is the "bread of life" Jn.6:48-58; - Joseph was the Savior of his people and of the gentiles, Jesus, the Savior of all mankind, in an eternal dimension; - Both loved those who hated them, pardoning them, and even raising them to honors: Gen.50:20, Matt. 5:44 - were shepherds: Gen. 37:2, John 10:11-14 - were taken into Egypt to avoid being killed: Gen. 37:28, Matt. 2:13 - began their ministry at the age of thirty: Gen. 41:46, Luke 3:23 - were filled with the Spirit of God: Gen. 41:38, Luke 4:1 - were humble and unspoiled by wealth: Gen. 45:7-8, John 13:12 - loved people freely: Gen. 45:15, John 13:34 - gained the confidence of others quickly: Gen. 39:3, Matt. 8:8 - gave bread to hungry people that came to them: Gen. 41:57 - resisted the most difficult temptations: Gen. 39:8-9, Heb. 4:15. - were given vision into the future: Gen. 37:6, Matt. 24:3. - were hated for their teachings: Gen. 37:8, John 7:7 - were falsely accused: Gen. 39:14, Mark 14:56 - were silent before their accuser: Gen. 39:20, Mark 15:4 - were condemned between two prisoners: Gen. 40:2-3, Luke 23:32 - were not recognized by their own brethren: Gen. 42.8, Luke 24:37. - became a servant: Gen. 39:4, Phil. 2:7- became a lord / Lord: Gen. 45:8, Rev. 19:16.

Meaning of his name - Gen 30:24 Joseph = Addition - Gen 41:45 Zaphnath Panaea - Revealer / Savior

Occupation By occupation. Joseph was a Shepherd "feeding the flock". Christ is the good shepherd. John 10:11

His Coat of many Colors Coat of many colors = a garment which was worn as a mark of distinguish

Judges 5:30; II Samuel 13:18.This was Jacob’s object to distinguish Joseph

Joseph sent forth by his father. Jacob sent forth Joseph.

Joseph was sent forth from the valley of Hebron. Hebron means fellowship, communion. Valley means peacefulness, rest. Jesus was sent forth from Heaven, from the fellowship of Father.

Joseph came to Shechem - Gen. 37:14.Shechem means shoulder, burden bearing, suggests service and subjection, Shechem - Gen. 34:25-30, Place of sorrow, sin, evil passions, and blood - He took the servant’s place (Phil 2:6,7)

Joseph now became a Wanderer in the field - The field = world, John 7:53; 8:1.

Joseph seeks until he finds his brethren. - He did not return to Hebron, Unwearied lover. Joseph went after his brethren And found them in Dothan. Dothan = Law or customs.

Joseph is sold Judah made the bargain. Judah - Hebrew, Judas - Greek. Judas sold Jesus for 30pieces of silver

Joseph’s blood sprinkled Strained Coat. They presented to his father blood sprinkled coat. The blood of Jesus - the blood of animals - anticipation.

Joseph was the means of Blessings to one, Judgment to other Butler was lifted up. He had the cup in his hand. Baker means human Labor, no deliverance is for such people. Precious blood of the Lamb through which all will be delivered

Joseph’s Exaltation was followed by a season of plenty - II Corinthians 6:2. = Our dispensation of Grace.

The present dispensation is by far the longest. What a period of Grace. How few were saved from Abel to the Flood! How few were saved during the times of Patriarch! How few among Israel from the days of Joshua! How few during the ministry of Christ! But 120 in the upper room.The earth is now bringing fruit in abundance (Joel 12:24) much fruit.

Joseph’s Exaltation was also followed by a period of famine). (Gen. 41:53,54 Prosperity was only in Egypt (only in some places the God is worshipped in spirit and truth). Famine all over the world - Just as the 7 yr. a complete period points to Grace so the 7 yr. of famine look to that which shall follow Rom 11:25, Tribulation, Jacob’s trouble. Daniel 12:1; Mk 13:19,20. In Anti Christ’s time all over the world will be under his control. Amos 8:11,12; Rev.3: 10; Is 55:6. There are two types of Famine. Literal Famine and Spiritual Famine. What will one do when the Holy Spirit will depart from this world? Famine in word means there will be no word of God.

The first detail in the typological picture has to do with his birth, which like that of several others who are types of Christ, was a miracle, for his mother Rachel was barren, (Ge 30:1,22) the miracle of his birth pointing to the miraculous birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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