
Summary: One question we must always ask is: Who do we follow? What is it in this world that we call Lord and why does it mean more to us than Him? Paul's testimony about who Jesus is is very clear - and we can learn so much from it in order to follow Jesus closer.

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To the Ends of the Earth, Part 36

Following Jesus requires a Choice to be Made

Acts 24:20-27


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week: Bro Will did an outstanding job proclaiming the truth Paul lived by

-- Using question from Dave Fuller, he posed: “If it were against the Law to be a Christian, and you were arrested, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

-- It is a question we must all ponder, as it could be seen by Paul’s arrest in Rome

- Today, I want us to explore the cost & results of a believer’s testimony

-- It is important that we understand this truth: we WILL pay a price for ours

-- Whether it is rebuke, acceptance, persecution, or reward - we will pay a price

- BIG: God is paying attention to how we live our lives, even today

-- This is why it’s critical to have a testimony and be prepared to share it

- Read Acts 22:20-27 / Pray

- How you live is the story that you tell the world about what Jesus means to you

-- It is critical to understand this, because Felix did not realize that …

Point 1 – Our compromise produces hesitancy

- Felix was a man who was more familiar with Christianity than others realized

-- He understand the things of following Christ, except for submitting to Jesus

- This is a strong reason why he continued to visit Paul – for more info (v22-23)

-- Perhaps he was looking for a loophole to know Jesus but avoid repentance?

- However, there is something he continues to fail at for 2+ years

-- He continues to fail at doing the right thing, which would be setting Paul free

- Why? Because he knew the message that Paul preached was true!

-- However, he was more concerned with his own position!

-- See: There are four very simple reasons why he acts this way …

1. Felix could not risk upsetting the Jews further

• If he let Paul go, they may report him to Caesar

• This could lead to his removal from office (and his own power he loved)

2. Nero had just assumed power in Rome (Emperor)

• Meant that Felix no longer had an “in” in the government in Rome

• Felix’s brother, Pallus, no longer had any influence in Roman power

• Pallus was tied closely to Claudius (secretary), now replaced by Nero

3. Felix lacked the moral strength to do the right thing

• Simply: (overshadows msg) He preferred compromise to integrity

• Knew if he postponed this decision (ex, waiting for Lysias) he could delay

• However, back in Ch 23 we saw that he already had the proof he needed!

• Ref Acts 23:25:30 – Lysias’ letter to him proving Paul did no wrong!

4. Summed up: Felix was a man bent on feeding his own greed

• He was hoping for a bribe from Paul to be released from prison

• He felt Paul might have influence to scrape up some funds for him

• Even placing him in house arrest (not in a dungeon) was for this purpose

• It gave Paul freedom to come and go – again, hoping for favor

- For us today: How many of us might have (or do) lack moral strength?

-- EX: Do we try to play both sides of the fence and not do the right thing?

-- Felix was a government leader who knew right from wrong, and still failed

- Do we do the same hoping to play to Christ and the world at same time?

-- Jesus taught on this in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”

- TR: So if compromise produces hesitancy, then it must be said that …

Point 2 – Indecision leads us to becoming dormant

- SEE: Felix wanted to hear about Christ, but not about repentance (vv24-25)

-- Even though he left and came back, his indecision to commit was evidenced

-- APP: Sometimes you have to step away to determine what God wants you to do

-- And even though he didn’t know it – God was calling him to understand!

- As soon as he returned, he sent for Paul to talk to him again

-- Interesting, this time he had his wife with him to also be part of the convo

- BUT KNOW THIS: There are 2 parts to their motive:

• Yes, Felix and Drusilla wanted to learn about Christ

• But Felix was hoping Paul would bribe him to be released

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