
Follow Me: The Call to Discipleship

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 5, 2023
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Following Jesus requires us to leave behind our old ways and put him first in our lives. It may come at a cost, but the rewards of knowing and serving him are immeasurable.

Follow Me: The Call to Discipleship

Youth Group Plan: Follow Me: The Call to Discipleship (Matthew 4:18-22, John 14:6)

Youth Sermon: Follow Me: The Call to Discipleship


Hey guys! Ever played a game of Follow the Leader? You know, where one person leads and everyone else has to do exactly what they do? Well, today we're going to talk about the ultimate game of Follow the Leader with Jesus as our leader.

Let's dive into a story from the Bible, Matthew 4:18-22. This is where Jesus calls his first followers, or disciples. He simply says, Come, follow me. And guess what? They drop everything and follow him. No questions asked.

Well, today we're going to talk about the ultimate game of Follow the Leader with Jesus as our leader.

The Call to Follow

Imagine this: You're at the mall, shopping for the latest sneakers. Suddenly, a guy walks up to you and says, Follow me. What would you do? Probably think he's a bit weird, right? But that's exactly what Jesus did. And these guys, they left their jobs, their families, everything, to follow him.

Now, I've got a backpack here. It's filled with stuff - books, clothes, a laptop, even a pair of those sneakers you were shopping for. This backpack represents our lives and all the stuff we think is important. But what if Jesus walked in right now and said, Follow me. Could you drop your backpack and go?

What it Means to Follow Jesus

Following Jesus means putting him first, even before the stuff in our backpacks. It might mean giving up things we like, or changing our plans. It's not always easy, but let me tell you, it's worth it.

When we follow Jesus, he changes us. He takes our messed-up lives and makes them better. He gives us a purpose, a reason to live. And the best part? He fills us with his love.

The Challenge

So, here's the challenge for this week: Think about what's in your backpack. What might you need to leave behind to follow Jesus more closely? Maybe it's a bad habit, a toxic friendship, or even just spending less time on your phone.

Let's pray: Jesus, thank you for inviting us to follow you. Help us to put you first in our lives. Give us the courage to leave behind the things that hold us back. We want to follow you, no matter what. Amen.


So, are you ready to play the ultimate game of Follow the Leader? Remember, in this game, Jesus is the leader, and he's tagged you. You're it!

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to you to follow Jesus?

2. What might you need to leave behind to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly?

3. How can you put Jesus first in your life?

4. What challenges might you face in following Jesus and how can you overcome them?

5. How has following Jesus transformed your life?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Leave Your Nets Behind

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