This sermon emphasizes the power of our thoughts in shaping our emotional and spiritual well-being, urging us to focus on the positives for a healthier relationship with Christ.
Today, we are beginning a brand new sermon series revolving around this same concept: FOCUS. It is a word and idea we hear in more places than just school, and it is something God desires from us each day. However, here is the truth we should all recognize: the world around us loves to be a thief when it comes to our focus. It is far too easy to scroll for hours on end through your favorite social media platform, and before you know it, you are late to a crucial meeting. You can be so focused on someone’s negativity that you lose sight of what’s positive in your life. You can be so focused on your past that you miss what God’s doing in your present, and what He’s leading you to in your future. Simply put, our focus has the potential to influence our faith. Over the next few weeks, we are going to allow God to influence our focus in a positive way. It may require some rewiring, but trust me when I say it will be worth it.
Simply put, our focus has the potential to influence our faith.
As we kick things off, please turn with me to Philippians 4:8 ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium