
Focus on Christ

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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In life's storms, we must keep our focus on Christ, overcoming fear, distractions, and doubt.

Focus on Christ

Youth Group Plan: Focus on Christ (Matthew 14:22-33)

Youth Sermon: Focus on Christ

Why It's Important to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

Ever been so into your phone that you walked into a wall or a pole? Yeah, me too. That's what happens when we lose focus, or focus on the wrong thing. Same thing happens when we lose focus on Jesus, we start to trip up in life. Let's check out a story in the Bible where Peter lost his focus on Jesus.

In Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus tells his crew to hop in a boat and cross a lake. While they're in the boat, a storm hits and they start to freak out. But then, out of nowhere, Jesus comes strolling on the water towards them. They think He's a ghost at first, but Jesus tells them to chill out.

That's what happens when we lose focus, or focus on the wrong thing. Same thing happens when we lose focus on Jesus, we start to trip up in life.

Fear, Distractions, and Doubt

Fear is one of those things that can mess with our focus on Jesus. When life throws a curveball, it's easy to let fear take the driver's seat and lose sight of Jesus. But we gotta decide now that no matter what, we're gonna keep our eyes on Jesus.

Distractions are another thing that can jack our focus. In the story, Peter steps out of the boat and starts walking on the water towards Jesus. But then he gets distracted by the wind and the waves, and he starts to sink. We all have stuff in our lives that can pull us away from focusing on Jesus. It could be a relationship, a bad habit, or something else that steals our attention.

Doubt is the third thing that can make us lose focus on Jesus. Peter had faith when he first stepped out of the boat, but then he started to doubt. He wondered if Jesus could really keep him afloat in the storm. We might have doubts and questions too, but we gotta remember that God is our safe place and strength, always ready to help us when things get tough.

Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus

So here's the deal, we gotta keep our eyes on Jesus. Just like Peter, we might face fears, distractions, and doubts, but we gotta choose to focus on Jesus no matter what. He's our flashlight in a dark room.

Now, let's do a quick object lesson. I want you all to take out your phones. Now, try to walk from one end of the room to the other while only looking at your phone. Pretty hard, right? That's what happens when we let distractions take our focus off Jesus.

So, this week, let's try to keep our eyes on Jesus. When you're feeling scared, distracted, or doubtful, remember Peter and choose to focus on Jesus. He's got your back. Let's pray together.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some distractions in your life that make it hard to focus on Christ?

2. How can you overcome fear and doubt in your life?

3. Share a time when you kept your focus on Christ despite a difficult situation.

4. What steps can you take this week to keep your eyes fixed on Christ?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Stormy Seas

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