
Summary: In 1 and 2 Timothy we can see that Paul knew that he had been "dispatched" by God. He was God's man. We likewise are God's men and women.

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Recently reading the Ts in the NT. Where are the T’s?

This morning- look at some verses in 1 and 2 Timothy.

Both- letters Paul wrote to Timothy, a young pastor.

Two purposes in these letters- Paul gives him advice- situations- in the churches exhorts him about his personal walk w/God.

Paul’s advice- applicable to any Christian.

Commandment of God- 1Tim 1:1

Apostle- an Apostle is an established church office, but the word simply means one set apart to be sent out by God on a mission.

Apostle- an ambassador that provides a connection between his country and the one he is sent to.

As Christians we are to be the connecting points between people of the world and Jesus Christ.

2 Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. NASU

According to the commandment of God- in a general sense the Commandments of God were given to help us understand the will of God.

In a more specific sense, Paul knew he was fulfilling God’s will for his life.

He understood he was in the commission of the King.

This is something that we need to understand. You and I have been dispatched by God.

Our entire life should be lived in the King’s service.

What have you been dispatched for?

Do you do it like you are in God’s service?

2 Tim 1:1

By the will of God (1 Tim 1:1- commandment of God)

Paul knew God had set him apart.

We should have the same assurance- we are God’s,set apart by Him and for Him.

This is the concept of holiness- I am holy because I have been set apart for the purposes of God.

1 Cor 7:29-31

29 But this I say, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none;

30 and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess; 31 and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the form of this world is passing away. NASU

Paul is saying this- we live in urgent times, so we live in the world, we use the things of the world, but we

do not allow the things of the world to use us.

Many have become slaves to the things of this world-

they do not serve us, we serve them.

Paul saw his calling as

1. An Honor

God hand-chose Paul and out of love Paul served God.

Every believer should regard themselves as a God chosen man or woman.

2. A Responsibility

God chose us as instruments to bring His life to others.

No Christian is chosen entirely for his own sake, but for what he can do for others.

3. A Privilege

It is a great privilege to know God, and to serve God.

Hope- 1Tim 1:1

Hope- anticipate with pleasure/expectation/confidence.

Jesus Christ is our hope. He died to save us,

He lives so we can live with Him forever,

He is our faith when we look backwards, and our hope when we look forward.

At all cost- must guard our hearts against losing hope.

We are in a spiritual war- if- enemy can-cause us to to stop believing/trusting in God, become cynical or disillusioned,

grow luke-warm/distracted in our faith,then he has won the war for our heart.

Thankfulness- 1Tim 1:12-14

Paul was very thankful to God for two things

1. God Chose him

Paul never had the feeling that he had chosen Christ, but that Christ had chosen him.

God- brought Paul to his senses, as he has done for us.

He knew he was Christ’s man-we must know the same

2. God Trusted him

Paul had been- persecutor of- church- done much harm

He was thankful not only that God forgave him, but

God trusted him to do His work.

For us forgiveness is often difficult, but trusting someone who has hurt us is very difficult.

This is an incredible picture of God’s love and mercy.

God forgave Paul and empowered him to be faithful.

When- Spartan won in- Olympic games- reward was the privilege to go before his King in battle.

Paul won the privilege to serve His King, as have we.

Truth- 1Tim 3:14-15

Conduct- the wholeness of one’s speech and actions.

Our conduct can bring honor or shame to God.

Conduct- used in sense of our relationships w/others.

The church is a body of people that are to be friends with God and

friends with each other.

Paul calls the church

1.A Household

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