Fishing In Deep Water
Contributed by Curtis E. Nester on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The call of the Apostles, unlikely men, to do the extraordinary job of fishing for men, and give their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
TITLE: Fishing in Deep Water
TEXT: Luke 5:1-11
INTRO: There several passages that are unique to the Gospel of Luke. One of those passages is in Luke chapter 5. This is a story that involves fishing. Some people love to fish and there a lot of fish stories around today: One fellow spent the whole day fishing without catching anything. On his way home he stopped at a fish market and ordered three fat fish. He told the clerk, "Toss them to me, one by one. That way I will be able to truthfully say that I caught them myself."
In Luke 5:1-11 we have a really true story. It happens on the Sea of Galilee, with the sun shining on bright sand & sparkling on the water under a blue sky. Two fishing boats are drawn up, with sails furled and men on shore repairing nets. A crowd of people is pressing so near that Jesus has to stand at the edge of the water.
A. God can use many different things for His purpose
1. He used Gideon, the least of the least
2. He used David to slay a giant
3. He used a boy's lunch to feed 5,000
4. Jesus borrowed Peter's boat for a pulpit
B. He Can Use Whatever We Have
1. We have to be willing to let Him be in control
2. We have to obey His commands
A. Jesus Commands Peter to Launch Out
1. He promises they will catch fish
2. The men had fished all night (the best time on Galilee)
without catching anything
4. They were ready to go home, not do any more fishing
5. But, Peter trusts the Lord's word
(Luk 11:28 ESV) "But he said, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"
B. Blessing Comes with Obedience
1. They caught so many fish that it filled two boats to the
sinking point
2. The fish wouldn't be wasted... the men were partners
in the fishing business (v. 7)
3. What made the difference? Obedience to Jesus!
A. The Fishermen Were All Astonished (v.9)
1. Night time was the normal time for fishing on Galilee
2. This was a miraculous catch
3. Jesus made the fish and He knew where they were
B. Peter Realizes Something Supernatural Has Happened
1. He calls Jesus "Lord" & confesses he is a sinner (v.8)
2. Admitting one's sin is required before we can serve
the Master
C. Jesus Calls Them to Fish for Men (vs. 10-11)
1. All the Apostles were an unlikely bunch of men
2. They were fishermen, tax collectors, & hot-headed
(Act 4:13 ESV) "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."
3. But, God uses the unlikely
(1Co 1:26-27 ESV) "For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong"
1. They had been called before, but this was a calling to
a deeper commitment
2 . Fishermen catch live fish to kill them
3. The disciples would be catching people who were
dead so they could live
# They were just NOBODIES,
Who can save ANYBODY!
CONCL: Jesus often calls unlikely people, to do things which are uncomfortable to reach the unlovable with His message of salvation.
What is he calling you to do, today?