Fishers Of Men
Contributed by Alex Shepherd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: we have been called to become fishers of men, but we actually have become "keepers of the aquarium"this message deals with Jesus beginning his ministry.
“Fishers of Men “
Matthew 4: 18-19, Luke 5: 4-6
Introduction: Jesus started his ministry with the very word people heard from John the Baptist say “repent”. The message is the same today as when Jesus and John gave it. Becoming a follower of Christ means turning away from our self-centeredness and “self” control and turning our lives over to Christ’s direction and control.
Sea of Galilee was a very large lake that was feed by the Jordan River. A major fishing capital near Capernaum and 30 other fishing towns relied on this lake for commercial fishing.
This Call- acceptance is found in the great commission of the church ..”Go ye. .matt 28:19…these men offered no excuses/they obviously had a vision of who he was .affected their service…”God of the Sanctuary…He identified w/them ..He spoke w/knowledge & Authority
( what did Jesus do before this call? ( the temptation in the wilderness ) Devil’s attempt to side track him from his ministry.
Fish vs Men Place the value of a Man?
Catch fish to consume them ..catch men to save them !
We have become keepers of the aquarium rather than fishers of men
Jesus was asking these men to become Partners in the greatest movement of mankind .
Simplicity of the call ..simple men …7 of the 12 were fishermen the call was not esoteric or arcane .
Jesus knew something about Water;
a. 18 of 33 recorded miracles of Jesus ) Capernaum
b. Genesis – garden of Eden –Euphrates- Tigris
c. He went to a wedding, turned water into wine
d. Samaritan woman at the well
e. He walked on water
Jesus knew something about Fish
a. He ate fish
b. Peter to pay taxes
c. Feed 5,000 plus with 2 fish and 5 loaves
d. Luke 5: 4 – 6 he told peter drop down your nets in deep water
Jesus knew something about Man
a. . Hindu philosophy – man is merely a tadpole, a skimmer in the ocean of life, when the winds stops blowing (death) we simply fade away.
b. Atheist contend we evolved as a result of a Cosmic accident…… Darwin’s theory
c. Does not call Men who are unemployed…character of men
d. Fishermen are active- hard working - not easily discouraged at results
e. Genesis – “ Let us make Man “ – body – soul – spirit
The preaching of the gospel is NOT a political assignment, it is not by popular or electoral vote.
.NOT from public opinion
.NOT state of mind---Plato / Socrates would have satisfied this and Paul would not have had to go to Mars Hill
NOT a geological location otherwise it would have ended at Hills of Palestine
NOT an event otherwise it would have ended at Bethlehem or Mt Olive
God told Jeremiah I knew thee when you were in your mother’s womb…I ordained thee…….
Gospel must be preached by Men –CALLED – COMMISIONED and SENT by God.
Conclusion: when God made man, he called a conference with Jesus and The Holy Spirit, “let us make man”…Jesus said lets give him a head so he will have intellect, give him eyes so he can see the beauty of creation, give him ears so can hear the Holy Spirit, give him a tongue so he can praise you, give him a heart so he can love you, give him arms and hands so if he needs to reach down and pick up his brother , he can. Give him legs and feet so he can learn to walk with you..............