
Firm in Righteous Living

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Despite the challenges and temptations we face, we must stay committed to living righteously by listening to wise instruction, living holy lives, loving others, and working diligently.

Firm in Righteous Living

Youth Group Plan: Firm in Righteous Living (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12)

Youth Sermon: Firm in Righteous Living


Today we're diving into 1st Thessalonians. The church in Thessalonica was getting a lot of flak for believing in Jesus. Sounds familiar, right? It's like trying to pick the right path in a maze full of wrong turns. But we've got to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Imagine you're in a maze, and you've got a map that shows the right path. But there are distractions everywhere - loud music, flashing lights, friends calling you to follow them down other paths. That's what life can feel like sometimes. But we've got the ultimate map - the Bible - to guide us.

But we've got to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Paul's Advice

Paul was like a coach to the Thessalonian church, cheering them on to keep living for Jesus. Sometimes, we think we know it all, right? But we've got to learn to listen to the right advice and steer clear of the wrong crowd.

Paul talked a lot about living a clean life, especially when everyone around us seems to be doing whatever they want. God wants us to be different, to live in a way that shows we're His.

Love is a big deal when it comes to living right. The Thessalonian church was famous for their love, and we should aim to love others like Jesus does.

Paul also talked about the importance of hard work and earning respect. We've got to put in the effort and not just rely on others.


So, Paul's advice to us? Listen to the right advice, live clean, love big, and work hard. Let's focus on these things and ask God to guide us. Stick to the right path and put God first.

This week, try to apply one of Paul's advice in your life. Maybe it's listening to a teacher's advice, showing love to a difficult classmate, or putting in extra effort in your chores or homework.


Let's pray: God, help us to stick to the right path. Give us the strength to listen, live clean, love big, and work hard. We want to live for you. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some challenges you face when trying to live righteously?

2. How can you show love to others in your daily life?

3. What does it mean to live a holy life?

4. How can you apply Paul's advice to your life?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Righteous Choices

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