Finding The King[2015]-2 Series
Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 2 of 5. Magi traveled from the east to pay homage to the newborn King of Israel. The King of Israel is worthy of your careful searching. Those who find the King, perceive His....
FINDING The KING-II—Matthew 2:1-12
The North Star-Pole Star-Polaris is not the brightest star in the heavens. In fact, there is nothing to be drawn to it at all.
It can always be found by lining up the ‘handle’ stars of the Little Dipper or Last 2 dim obscure stars of Cassiopeia.
Why is it important...because theNorth Star can be used for navigation
It does not move but all other stars rotate around it.
It is the Key to finding all other compass points because it signifies true North!
It may be obscure to most but for those needing direction, it is life-changing!
God doesn’t want you to miss the main event, the King.
Magi traveled from the east to pay homage to the newborn King of Israel.
Jesus is worthy of discovery.
The King of Israel is worthy of careful searching.
Who are those who discover Jesus?
8 characteristics of people who find Jesus.
This morning we found that Those who find the King, perceive His....
1. SIGNS(:1-2)
2—Those who find the King, Perceive....
His OBJECTIVE/Direction(:3-6)
:3—“When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem with him.”
Roman historian Tacitus(wrote a history of the Roman Empire spanning 14-70AD) wrote of the mindset of those times—“...there was a firm persuasion that at this very time the east was to grow powerful & rulers coming from Judea were to acquire a universal empire.”
The shepherds had previously & widely declared the birth—of “a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”(Lk. 2:11,17). Herod must have discounted it altogether or hoped it would come to nothing.
Herod was ~25yrs. old when he became governor of Galilee in ~37 BC. He held power only as bestowed upon him by the Roman senate, who officially declared him ‘king of Judea’ in 40BC. Herod gave himself the official title ‘King of the Jews.’ He was not himself a Jew(he was Idumean/Edomite). He is responsible for restoring the Temple in Jerusalem(~20BC-63AD). After a drought he saw fit to sell gold in order to feed the people. However, he had become a brutal, domineering, paranoid & exacting ruler, willing to do anything in order to keep his position. He built the Judean fortress of Masada.
“He was a consummate politician”...“His paranoia was legendary”—J. MacArthur
Herod had 10 sequential wives. Had one of his wives(Mariamne I) killed, & also had 2 of his own sons killed. Herod’s “troubled” state was no doubt further exacerbated by having others from outside his sovereignty recognize this “King of the Jews” as the Messiah(“Christ”)(:4).
That “all Jerusalem” “was troubled” was a statement of the populace’s fear of Herod’s rule. “All Jerusalem” also possibly held a guilty fear of not having recognized the Messiah’s coming or more probably, they had a fear of a challenge to their religion.
“Troubled”—tarassw—Aorist Passive Indicative—1) To agitate, trouble (a thing, by the movement of its parts to & fro)—1a) To cause one inward commotion, take away his calmness of mind, disturb his equanimity, 1b) To disquiet, make restless, 1c) To stir up, 1d) To trouble—1d1) To strike one's spirit with fear & dread, 1e) To render anxious or distressed, 1f) To perplex the mind of one by suggesting scruples or doubts. Strong—of uncertain affinity; To stir or agitate(roll water).
:4—“And when he had gathered all the chief priests & scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.”
‘...Herod probably got together not the Sanhedrin since "elders" are not mentioned, but leaders among the chief priests & scribes, not a formal meeting but a free assembly for conference.’—RWP
A statement of the political climate of Israel, in that there was no continual expectation of the Messiah in their political machine, though it was obviously available.
The connection is made here to recognize “the King of the Jews”(:2) as “the Christ.” Did Herod see himself as the Christ since he was considered ‘King of the Jews’ by the Romans?
“The imperfect tense[of “inquired”](epunthaneto) suggests that Herod inquired repeatedly...” “...Herod probably got together not the Sanhedrin since "elders" are not mentioned, but leaders among the chief priests & scribes, not a formal meeting but a free assembly for conference.”—RWP Thus he took some time discovering the information.
“Gathered”—sunagw—1) To gather together, to gather; 2) To bring together, assemble, collect; 3) To lead with one's self. Strong—To lead together, i.e. Collect or convene; specifically--To entertain(hospitably).
“Inquired/Demanded/Asked”—punyanomai—1) To enquire, ask; 2) To ascertain, by enquiry. Strong—To question, i.e. Ascertain by inquiry (as a matter of information merely; & thus differing from erwtaw, which properly means a request as a favor; & from aitew, which is strictly a demand for something due; as well as from zhtew, which implies a search for something hidden; & from deomai, which involves the idea of urgent need); by implication--To learn(by casual intelligence) Used 12X.