
Finding Strength in Tough Times

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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An uplifting sermon offering hope and encouragement when seeking God's help during challenging periods.


One day, a man took his young son to the top of a high hill. He pointed in every direction - north, south, east, and west - and said, "Son, God's love is as big as all of this." The little boy looked at his dad and exclaimed, "Just think, Dad, we are right in the middle of it all. Oh yeah, God is a great God, and His love is immense, and we are right in the midst of it all."

However, in our world today, many people believe in a small God and a big humanity. Man has tried to replace God with his own achievements and scientific progress. But the truth is, no matter how much man tries to outgrow the Lord, God will always make Himself known and felt in all the world and by all mankind.

I. God Is The Creator Of All Things And He Has Everything Worked Out For Your Good.

In the book of John, it is written that all things were made by God, and without Him, nothing was made. While man can accomplish many amazing things, he can only do so by using the materials that God has already created. God spoke, and everything came into existence - light, land, mountains, rivers, seas, plants, animals, and even man himself.

Since God is the creator of all things and has given us dominion over His creation, we can trust that He will watch over and protect us. He will provide for our needs, heal our bodies, mend our spirits, and work things out for us if we love Him with our whole being.

II. God Has Everything Worked Out For Your Good.

The Apostle Paul assures us in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. This promise is specifically for God's children, those who love Him and live for Him. It is important to note that this promise does not apply to those living in unrepented sin.

Sometimes, we go through difficult times and cannot understand why troubles come our way. But even in our darkest hours, we can trust that God is working everything out for our good. We may not see it at the moment, but someday we will understand how all things, both good and bad, have worked together for our benefit.

III. God Has Everything Worked Out And Your Help Is On The Way.

Life is filled with mysteries, enemies, friends who may desert us, and various challenges. However, God has everything under control. Satan may try to buffet us, sins and sickness may weaken us, sorrow and death may distress us, poverty may threaten us, and air castles may crumble. But through it all, God has everything worked out for our good.

Even when it seems like God has turned His back on us or hidden His face from us, He is still working things out for our benefit. We must hold on and trust that tomorrow will bring sunshine after the dark clouds. Our help is on the way, and God will never abandon us.


Everything in this world has its proper place and purpose. Just as a diamond needs to be cut to reveal its beauty or gold needs to be refined to bring out its purity, we, as children of God, must go through various processes to be molded and shaped for His use.

Though we may face troubles, hardships, and uncertainties, we can find hope in knowing that God has everything worked out for our good. We can lift our eyes unto Him and trust that our help is on the way. Like a wagon train surrounded by hostile Indians, we can look to the distant hills and see the dust cloud rising as our rescue approaches.

Our help comes from Jesus Christ, who hung on the cross at Mount Calvary. He assures us not to be troubled because our help is on the way. Even in our darkest moments, we can find solace in His promise that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. We will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.

So, let us not despair over the condition of the world or our personal struggles. God has everything under control, and our help is on its way. Trust in Him, for He is faithful to work all things together for our good.

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