
Finding Strength in Patience

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Exploring God's unwavering support for those who serve Him with patience.


Waiting upon the Lord is a posture of trust and dependence. It is a recognition that God is faithful and will provide for our needs. As we wait upon Him, He will renew our strength, give us power over temptation and discouragement, and help us fulfill our daily duties with perseverance. Let us trust in His faithfulness and patiently wait upon Him in all areas of our lives.

Section 1: God's Faithfulness

God is faithful to those who patiently serve Him. Those who wait upon the Lord will experience His faithfulness and receive strength and renewal. In Isaiah 40:28-31, God assures His people who are in captivity in Babylon that He is with them and will provide for them. The passage speaks to their discouragement and homesickness, reminding them that God is their source of strength and comfort.

Section 2: Waiting Upon the Lord

The prophet Isaiah reminds the people that God is the everlasting Creator of the earth and does not grow weary or faint. He gives power to the faint and increases the strength of those who have none. Even the young and strong will become weary and fall, but those who wait upon the Lord will find their strength renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles, run without growing weary, and walk without fainting.

Section 3: Trusting in God's Timing

In their current situation, the people of Israel are filled with sorrow and despair. They have lost their homeland and are living in a foreign land under captivity. They long to return to Jerusalem and worship God in His temple. Their hearts are heavy, and they have lost hope. But Isaiah reminds them that God is faithful and will not abandon them. They need to wait patiently for His deliverance.

Section 4: Active Waiting

Waiting upon the Lord means trusting in His timing and His plan. It means relying on His strength rather than our own. The people of Israel had sinned and brought about their own captivity, but God is merciful and forgiving. He will provide the strength they need to endure and overcome their circumstances.


Waiting upon the Lord is a posture of trust and dependence. It is a recognition that God is faithful and will provide for our needs. As we wait upon Him, He will renew our strength, give us power over temptation and discouragement, and help us fulfill our daily duties with perseverance. Let us trust in His faithfulness and patiently wait upon Him in all areas of our lives.

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