
Finding Strength in Patience

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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Exploring how patient faith can lead to receiving strength from the Lord.


Today, we will explore the concept of waiting on the Lord and how it can bring us strength and renewal. This topic is found in Isaiah 40:29-31, a well-known and beloved passage that offers comfort and hope to weary souls. Let us dive into this text and discover the power of waiting on the Lord.

Understanding Waiting

To wait on the Lord means to have patient faith and trust in Him. It requires us to have hope and longing for His promises to be fulfilled. Waiting on the Lord is not a passive act but an active engagement of our faith. It is believing in His Word, standing on His promises, and expecting good things from His hand.

Renewing Our Strength

When we wait on the Lord, He renews our strength. This renewal implies that we have a need for it, that we have exhausted ourselves in some way. Just as we refuel our cars when they run low on gas or replenish our milk supply when it's running out, our spiritual strength also needs to be restored. The promise of renewal is for those who have exerted effort and find themselves depleted.

Rising Like Eagles

Isaiah compares the renewed strength to soaring on wings like eagles. Eagles effortlessly rise to great heights by riding wind currents and up-drafts. Similarly, when we wait on the Lord, He empowers us to rise above our circumstances. This renewed strength enables us to run without growing weary and walk without fainting. It surpasses our natural abilities and allows us to go further than we ever could on our own.

Trusting in God's Power

To fully grasp the significance of waiting on the Lord, we must remember who He is. God is the all-powerful Creator, the one who raises and dethrones world rulers. He knows everything about us and cares deeply for us. His strength is limitless, and He never grows tired or weary. When we wait on Him, we tap into His eternal power and find our strength renewed.


In conclusion, waiting on the Lord is an act of faith and trust. It involves patiently hoping in His promises and longing for His will to be fulfilled. When we wait on Him, He renews our strength, enabling us to soar above our circumstances. This renewed strength surpasses our natural abilities and allows us to run and walk without growing weary or fainting.

Let us remember that God's power is limitless, and He is always ready to strengthen and empower us. So, if you find yourself weary, stumbling, or feeling depleted, wait on the Lord. Trust Him, reach out to Him, and believe that He will renew your strength. His strength will never fail you.

May we all find comfort and hope in waiting on the Lord and experiencing the renewal of our strength through Him.

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